Is Sharing Your Uber Or Lyft Ride A Good or Bad Idea?

Three tired teenager kids travelling by car in Cotswold, United Kingdom. Shot with Canon R5

With this really short review, I plan on covering my top 3 reasons on why “sharing rides” with riders might be a good idea and 6 reasons why sharing a ride could be a bad idea for both the Rideshare driver and the passenger. Regardless of how we get there, we all have to get … Read more

Passengers Vandalizing Driver Vehicles And How To Avoid This From Happening To You!

Cracked and crazed glass reveals the workings of a thief in the night, during the morning after.

With this review, I plan on covering Rideshare driver vehicles being vandalized by passengers and how to properly prevent this from happening to you. It’s absolutely impossible to please everyone right? Especially if a person is already having a really messed up day. Why throw gasoline on a burning house? Who said that 2 wrongs … Read more

Drivers Being At The Right Or Wrong Pick Up Address!

Mercedes-Benz Coupe parked on the street in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York, USA. Trees, Road and Sidewalk are in the image. Canon EOS 6D (full frame sensor) DSLR and Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS lens.

With this review, I plan on discussing Rideshare drivers arriving at either the right pickup address or the wrong pickup address, why this happens and how to prevent this from happening to you. It’s time to get some sort of understanding from these unaware passengers concerning why they don’t see their driver! How many of … Read more

Unmatch Rider Why It Works/Doesn’t Work!

Passenger is sitting on the back seat of the car and using smart phone app to rate a driver. Taxi or modern peer to peer ridesharing concept

With this review, I’ll be talking about Rideshare companies unmatching or unpairing riders with Rideshare drivers, what it means and why the rating system doesn’t work! Who really likes working with passengers or drivers they dislike or had a problem with in the past? Nobody for the most part right? Well that’s why these Rideshare … Read more

How To Avoid Becoming An Accessory To A Crime As A Rideshare Driver

Young African Businessman Chased By Police While Driving Car

In this review, we will be covering Rideshare drivers becoming accessories to crime, what an accessory is and how a driver can avoid these types of unfortunate circumstances! Now before I begin, I would first like to ask you guys a few questions. Who really believes it’s okay to be guilty by association? Especially when … Read more

Rideshare Drivers – How To Handle Picking Up Too many passengers!

Happy family traveling by car driving on road. Big family going to summer vacations vector illustration. Transportation to holiday, father mother and children

This review will be covering Rideshare drivers picking up riders who exceed the allowed number of passengers and how to handle or deal with them. How does the saying go, “give someone an inch and they’ll try to take a mile”? I think that’s it right there lol! So I feel as though the same … Read more

Rideshare Drivers Picking Up Passengers Who Have Bad Breath Or Bad Body Odors

Woman Covering Her Nose From Bad Smell Inside The Car

In this review, I’ll be discussing the experiences of Rideshare drivers encountering passengers with unpleasant breath or body odors and how to effectively handle such situations. I think I speak for everyone when I say that there’re certain things we must deal with when associating ourselves with the general public. When associating ourselves with people … Read more

Rideshare Drivers Dealing With Passengers Who Are Running Late!

Stressed out businessman in taxi.

In this review, I want to discuss how a Rideshare driver who encounters a passenger running behind schedule should handle such situations. Let me first start by saying that we all have busy lives. Well, some of us.. And having a life in my opinion means that you might have things to do, places to … Read more

Rideshare Drivers – Phone Connection Issues And How To Deal With Them

Men who drive a car while looking at the smartphone

In this review, I’ll be discussing the challenges of phone connection issues that professional Rideshare drivers may encounter and providing effective strategies for overcoming them. Jumping right in, being an independent contractor and working on your own terms can give you the greatest feeling in the world. Or at least for me it does lol! … Read more

Rideshare Drivers Picking Up Underage Passengers!

Black and White Cartoon Illustration of Elementary or Teen Age Boy ...

This article will focus on the topic of drivers transporting underage passengers or minors. Everyday as Rideshare drivers we’re forced to enforce rules and regulations that are required to be followed while using these Rideshare apps. The problem is no one else can enforce these rules on the front line other than the Rideshare drivers … Read more