This review will be covering Rideshare drivers picking up riders who exceed the allowed number of passengers and how to handle or deal with them. How does the saying go, “give someone an inch and they’ll try to take a mile”? I think that’s it right there lol! So I feel as though the same concept would apply in this case when it comes to passengers bringing more people along for the ride than what they know is allowed. Every day we’re faced with passengers that feel as though it’s okay to break the rules that these Rideshare companies put in place. Every single day! Just imagine pulling up to a pickup where there’s seven people standing outside waiting for you even though your car is only big enough to hold five people. Yourself included! Big problem right?
Here at #1RideShareDoc, I’m all about sharing my story and all of my personal experiences with you guys concerning this treacherous Rideshare driving industry. Look at my platform as a place of relation! You know.. a place where we can talk and relate about the things that these Rideshare companies wouldn’t dare talk about. Rideshare companies like Uber, Lyft, Via, and Sidecar, just to name a few! Let’s grow off of each other’s experiences and be the team that we’re supposed to be. Not just private contractors. Let your Rideshare doc prepare you for what’s ahead of you and more importantly behind you. Shall we begin!
For a better understanding of what I’ll be covering today, this review will be broken down into the following sections:

What Exactly Does “Too Many Passengers” Mean?
First I would like to say that the determination of whether a rider has brought “too many passengers” along for a ride primarily relies on the size of the vehicle initially requested by the rider. A Rideshare drivers vehicle is always going to be either a 4 seater (not including the driver) or a 6 seater with nothing in between! So with that being said, a rider would be classified as bringing “too many passengers” when the rider brings one or more passengers above the number of seats and/or seat belts available. The agreed upon number of passengers that drivers can accommodate will again always be either 4 or 6.
A pickup with 4 passengers would be considered to be a “standard vehicle,” while a pickup with 6 passengers would be considered to be an “XL vehicle“. Using myself as an example (as always!), if you were registering a Mazda 3 touring you would be considered a 4-seater or “standard vehicle/pick up”. So when your vehicle is considered a 4-seater (not including the driver!), bringing more than 4 passengers along for the ride would be considered “too many passengers”. Even if it were half of a person lol!
Isn’t this example incredibly straightforward and easy to comprehend? Even though it’s a rhetorical question, my answer to this question would be NO it doesn’t seem to be easy to comprehend. If it were easy to take in, understand, absorb or comprehend, I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this review! Sorry for the sarcasm lol but some riders just don’t learn. These are adults we’re talking about here! Now it’s time to get into why a rider might bring more passengers than what they know is allowed..

What Are Some Reasons Why A Rider Might Bring More Passengers Than What’s Allowed?
There are plenty of reasons why a Rideshare rider might decide to bring more passengers. As a matter of fact it would take all day to list them all. So instead of trying to do that, I’ll simply narrow it down to just two main reasons, starting with the more believable one first lol:
The Rider Encountered An Unexpected, Bad Circumstance:
Everyday that we live this thing called life, we’re faced with good and bad unexpected situations that we may or may not have been prepared to handle. It’s just a little something that comes with being an adult! Sometimes we prepare ourselves well and sometimes we just don’t. We’re not perfect! So when cases like these do cross our paths when we haven’t prepared ourselves properly, we’re forced to make drastic decisions that could go one of two ways.. either good or really bad. We’re still talking about riders bringing “too many passengers” along for the ride here! Now I said that to say this.. I do understand that things do happen in life where a rider has to do what a rider has to do. So when I do encounter riders (which is rare!) that claim something unexpected happened (which is why they had to bring those two extra people!), I do try to understand where they’re coming from.
Again this is rare! But of course before trying to understand where they’re coming from (since we don’t know these strangers!), I have to observe and consider a few other things first. Especially if I’m planning on taking and completing the ride! You know things like how long the riders been using Rideshare services, their rating, their ride count, how long the ride is and more importantly their little story lol. So for example, if the rider just so happened to have been with Uber for 3 years, has 1,000+ completed rides, has 10 minute trip and has a rating of at least a 4.8, I would feel more inclined to trust their story.
Especially if their story makes a little sense! So when I put together the time they’ve been on the platform, their number of rides ordered, how long the current ride is and their rating, it seems to create a better picture in my mind of that particular rider I’m dealing with. Especially if they’re telling me that someone was left behind by another driver, someone was short on some money or something similar. But the story again has to make sense which is up to the driver’s discretion. Not the passengers! Again, this is a very rare thing that a driver should or would do, instead of simply saying no and strongly pulling off..
The Rider Simply Just Doesn’t Care:
I know a driver would like to hope for the best by assuming the passenger does care about the rules and regulations that these Rideshare platforms put in place. But I’m here to tell you they really don’t. Especially if alcohol is involved! Remember what I said at the very beginning concerning giving a person an inch and them deciding to take an extra mile. This is why it’s so important for a driver to take the Riders rating, ride count, years on the platform, length of the ride and story into account. So with that being said, keep in mind that it’s not the first time your average passenger has used Uber or Lyft!
Again, check the riders profile for those credentials! It’ll help in making your final decision. Please Keep This In Mind! Also keep in mind that the average rider also knows that if they make up a good enough excuse, the driver just might decide to take the whole group of 8 smh. This is another good reason why you’re supposed to say no and pull off! So just be aware. As a matter of fact you could look at a passenger the same way you would look at a professional basketball player during the last few seconds of a playoff game. Isn’t it a known fact that a basketball player will always try to shoot their final shot, even if they know they might miss?
Especially during those last few seconds of a playoff game! How many times have you seen a basketball player shoot the basketball from one side of the court to the other side while the time clock count’s down to zero? Sometimes they actually do make the shot don’t they lol? Did you forget that passengers also have a time clock lol? A time clock set for 5 minutes to be exact actually! Makes more since when you look at it from this angle doesn’t it? Now think about the rider you’re about to pick up while maintaining that example in your mind. The ball is now officially in your court!

I frequently emphasize in the majority of my reviews what a Rideshare driver should do in cases where a passenger is making them feel uncomfortable, unsafe or simply just not following the rules of the Rideshare platform! It’s not hard to do, nor does it require much effort to perform. It’s actually one of my safety protocols that I absolutely love putting into practice when I need to. It’s what I love preaching to drivers when I’m speaking on the best way to keep a driver safe during the heat of a moment. I’ve discussed it in previous articles like “Picking Up Drunk Passengers“, “Picking Up Underage Children” and “Passengers Who Don’t Have Car Safety Seats“.
That little thing that I enjoy discussing and sharing with all of my professional drivers is how to have a “strong pull-off game”. I think you may know where I’m going with this one lol! If you don’t then I’ll tell you.. If the rider you’re picking up is attempting to bring more passengers than what’s allowed or break any other rules for that matter, you immediately pull off as hard and as fast as you can. There is absolutely no shame in my game and it shouldn’t be any shame in yours either. Not one ounce lol! Your safety and peace of mind should always be your #1 top priority! With that being said, learn more about my “strong pull-off game” when you get a chance..

What Do Passengers Believe They Can Do When Deciding To Bring Along Additional Riders?
Well if you ask me what a passenger believes they can do when deciding to bring along additional riders, I would have to say that the passenger thinks they can compromise or negotiate with the driver. In their minds they’re thinking “it’s not that big of a deal to bring one or two extra people”, or “we paid for this ride”! In other words, the passenger feels like they can make a deal with the driver, especially when the driver chooses to give their foolishness a response lol. So for example, the rider might think that the extra person they’re bringing along for the ride could simply sit on one of the other passengers laps and everything will be just fine. “Either way, we’re going to make this work” lol!
They might even assume that one of them could simply go in the trunk I guess, I don’t know lol. I’ll elaborate a little more on what passengers believe they can do when bringing along extra riders in a few. But what I do know is that when you decide to converse back and forth with a passenger pertaining to something they’re doing wrong like bringing “too many passengers”, the passenger naturally might take it as a “negotiation” taking place. It’s only “natural” right lol? That right there would be a big reason why I don’t believe in talking to a passenger concerning something that they know they shouldn’t be doing.
Something that’s not tolerated on any Rideshare app or platform! Given that perspective, the unwanted stress and sympathetic feelings that would arise in me while trying to explain things, wouldn’t justify me compromising my peace of mind or safety. Nothing would actually. Even if it were a $1,000 ride! You know all money isn’t good money right? Thank God I learned that lesson a long time ago.. I choose to only believe in God and my good’ole “strong pull-off game” and other professional Rideshare drivers should too.

What Riders Are More Likely To Bring More Passengers Than Allowed?
Even though all passengers present the likelihood of breaking this rule or any other rule for that matter, there are certain types of passengers who may be more likely to bring more passengers than allowed. This specific segment is designated to assist Rideshare drivers in avoiding riders who think it’s acceptable to exceed the permitted number of passengers.
My goal is to help drivers avoid these types of situations by pointing out the types of people that may be more likely to do it. Like I say in most of my reviews, preparation is key! When you know what to expect, you’ll know how to prepare yourself. So who’s more likely to bring more passengers than allowed? Let’s start with:
College Kids/Young Adults: College kids or young adults naturally love testing the limits of things. What makes it worse is that they’re enthusiasm is amplified when they’re surrounded by they’re little friends. Not to mention when there’s a lack of older adult supervision. That’s why kids are at the very front of the list lol.Their desire to impress these friends and be seen as “cool”, drives their liking for pushing boundaries.
So with all that being said, this is why I feel as though college kids and young adults are more likely to bring more passengers than allowed.
Partiers/Drunks: Passengers that “party” would be more likely to not only bring more passengers along for the ride, but to also break the law! I think it would also be safe to say that drugs or at least alcohol are commonly found at your average, everyday adult gathering. When this is the case and those drugs and/or alcohol are being consumed, it literally can change people. Everyone should also know that using drugs and alcohol when “partying” can lower inhibitions, impair judgment or even worse, lead to reckless behavior.
So the combination of reckless behavior and impaired judgment greatly increases the likelihood of passengers disregarding the rules set by Rideshare companies. Or at least in my opinion it does. This is why I feel like partyers who get wasted and drunk would be more likely to bring more passengers than what’s allowed.
Concerts/Marches/Festivals/Sports Games/Large Picnic Gatherings/”Conventional Type” Events: I personally feel like the size of the event directly correlates with the likelihood of a driver picking up a rider who will exceed the allowed number of accompanying passengers. They do say (whoever “they” are lol!) “the more the merrier” right? Well that’s how I feel these particular riders might feel who break the rules.
I mean all of you did come together right? So why not leave together? I’ve actually had passengers coming from a large event actually say those two dumb statements to me! Especially when alcohol or drugs are involved. I think this last example actually goes hand in hand with my previous example concerning “Partyers and Drunks”. They’re both almost one in the same!

So if this is the law (everywhere, mind you!), what makes a customer think that these Rideshare companies don’t care about how many passengers their drivers are picking up? Not following the law is a sure enough way to get the whole industry of Rideshare driving shut down. Do you understand now why I called this question ridiculous?

What Are Some More Reasons/Excuses Why A Passenger Might Feel It’s Okay?
There are a few more reasons or excuses why a law breaking passenger might feel as though it’s okay to bring more riders with them than what they know is allowed. I still would like to elaborate on these reasons further even though I touched a little bit on this earlier! Before I get into this really short list, I’ll tell you now that none of these excuses are good ones. As a matter of fact, the majority of these excuses are absolutely ridiculous. Jumping straight into these ridiculous excuses, let’s start with:
They Were Going To Sit On My Lap: This is the most common excusepassengers think of to say first regardless of what’s going on around them. They are so determined to make it work, that they start to make illogical assumptions. “Can you just do this” or “can you just do that”? But regardless of the riders illogical assumptions, it’s still illegal to ride more passengers than there are seat belts! Just imagine getting into an accident with an adult sitting on your legs or “lap”.
Can you imagine the catastrophic outcome? Someone’s definitely getting injured for sure! But the passengers always seem to forget this part, which is why it’s up to the logical professional driver to remember. Recognize the foolishness, understand the foolishness and plan to counteract or dismiss the foolishness all in that order!
I Didn’t Know: Listen okay.. I’ve actually had passengers old enough to be my grandparents try to tell me that they didn’t know they couldn’t bring more than four passengers for a “standard” vehicle and more than six passengers for an “XL” or larger vehicle. Yea right! You knew about this law way before I was born sir lol. As a matter of fact, you knew about this law way before my parents were born lol! See my point guys? Saying “I didn’t know” makes absolutely no sense! Especially when passengers are over the age of 25.
So as you can see, saying that you didn’t know this was a requirement when using any Rideshare platform, would be a very ridiculous statement to make. That’s also like saying you didn’t know it was against the law to ride more passengers than there are seat belts! That being said, just imagine what other safety laws these passengers don’t know about. See how unbelievable this bull crap sounds? And if it sounds too good to be true, then nine times out of 10 it is! Recognize the foolishness, understand the foolishness and plan to counteract or dismiss the foolishness all in that order!
This Is How We Came Up Here/Last Driver Did It: Just because you arrived at your destination breaking the law, doesn’t mean it’s okay to leave your destination breaking the law. Even if it were ok, we’re talking about two different private contractors getting you to and from your location. So my question to you now is why would a passenger assume that just because the last driver did it, that the next driver will do it too?
More importantly, why would a passenger assume that everyone breaks the law? These are questions that all professional drivers should already be asking themselves when a passenger decides to use these ridiculous excuses. Recognize the foolishness, understand the foolishness and plan to counteract or dismiss the foolishness all in that order!
We’re Not Even That Big/We Can All Fit: A passengers size should have nothing to do with the number of passengers that are coming along for the ride! Well, unless it would be considered safe riding two passengers per seatbelt, which it isn’t. If this were the case, you would be able to ride 8 passengers in a four-seater, as long as these passengers are midgets or small children. But since this isn’t the case nor would it be safe to do so, having 8 midgets or small children crammed into a four seater could be catastrophic.
Even if a small accident were to take place! The body/head banging, smashing, bashing and cramming might prove to be too much for their little human bodies! So what should a driver do next? Recognize the foolishness, understand the foolishness and plan to counteract or dismiss the foolishness completely!
I Paid For This Ride: When a passenger pays for a ride, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ve also paid to break the law. Maybe on they’re watch, but not when other people are involved. If this were the case, there wouldn’t be as many Rideshare drivers signing up for work and jail wouldn’t be as packed as it is today! Who signs up to go to jail for breaking such a simple law? Well, maybe people that can’t count. I honestly don’t know lol!
But what I do know for sure is that drivers join these Rideshare platforms or apps to make money, not problems and/or legal issues. So again drivers recognize the foolishness, understand the foolishness and plan to counteract or dismiss the foolishness completely in that order!
But We’re Only Going Up/Down The Street: Why do passengers say they’re only going up the street, as if that’s supposed to be some sort of logical ground for them to stand on? Distance and travel times should never play a part in a driver or passenger making the decision to go against company policy and/or more importantly the law. Even if the passengers were only going across the street lol!
So I’ll say again to all my professional Rideshare drivers to try to recognize the passengers foolishness, understand the passengers foolishness and plan to counteract or completely dismiss the passengers foolishness in that order!
It’s Only 1 Extra Person: Some passengers really believe that bringing one extra person is okay versus two or more. If you happen to be that passenger reading this, then this next statement is for you! It doesn’t matter if the fifth wheel was half of a person coming along for the ride, company policy is company policy and the law is the law.
Keep this in mind also that “more” means extra no matter how much “more” it is lol. Now relate that statement to a rider bringing more passengers than allowed. I’ll say for the last time to my professional Rideshare drivers to try to recognize the passengers foolishness, understand the passengers foolishness and plan to counteract or dismiss the passengers foolishness all in that order!

What Can A Rider Do To Offset Bringing Too Many Passengers?
To offset a rider bringing too many passengers along for the ride would simply boil down to one thing. A rider being able to practice better planning skills. That’s it really! In other words it’s all about knowing how many passengers are coming along for the ride before you actually put in your request for pickup. Already knowing the amount of passengers coming along for the ride ahead of time will aid you in requesting the right size vehicle. Case closed and the problem has been solved!

My Professional Conclusion:
So in conclusion I would like to say to my Rideshare drivers and passengers that it’s never okay to break the company policies, no matter where you are or where you decide to go. Even jail has rules! You might already know this, I don’t know lol! It also doesn’t matter if you were only going up the street or if the extra two passengers coming along for the ride we’re going to sit on two other passengers laps. You’re completely missing the point if you think that that matters. What really matters is that rules are supposed to be followed and that they’re put in place by these Rideshare companies for a reason.
That reason is to keep everyone safe! That being said, ignoring these rules in my book would also be considered ignoring your safety and well-being. Keep that in mind every time you decide to bring extra passengers along for the ride. Keep that in mind if something bad was to happen as a result of you bringing too many passengers along for the ride. Don’t judge me! Sometimes we all could use a little tough love. You can thank your #1Rideshare Doc later!
So now that I’m nearing the end of another great review, I need to know what you guys thought about this review. Do you guys think or agree that it’s not okay to bring more passengers than allowed? Have you ever been in a position where you had to bring more than four or six passengers? If so, I would love to hear your story! Once a stranger knows you, they can grow you. Same thing vice versa right? So as strangers, let’s share these experiences so we can all grow together!
Please feel free to leave those thoughts, comments and concerns at the bottom of this review and I will be sure to respond back to you as soon as possible!
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If you’re not interested in driving strangers around in the backseat of your motor vehicle but interested in having a flexible lifestyle, you could always start your own business working from home! If you’re interested in finding good a work from home opportunity, please don’t hesitate to read my review on Wealthy Affiliate. Thank you so much again for reading.