With this really short review, I plan on covering my top 3 reasons on why “sharing rides” with riders might be a good idea and 6 reasons why sharing a ride could be a bad idea for both the Rideshare driver and the passenger. Regardless of how we get there, we all have to get where we have to go right? Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. But what if doing what you had to do costs you your sanity or ability to feel comfortable? What if doing what you had to do cost you your piece of mind? Would you still take the same route? What if doing what you had to do involves sharing something that you personally paid for? I can already feel the disagreements coming at me left and right lol!
Who really likes having to share something that they’ve personally paid for? Better yet, who really likes having to share something that they’ve personally paid for with someone they’ve just unintentionally met? Sorry for asking all the seemingly, unnecessary questions. But I just wanted to make some kind of point first before digging into the meat of what this review will really be about, which is the pros and cons of riders sharing they’re ride with complete strangers. I feel like we’re all setting ourselves up for failure when we’re choosing to share our rides with complete strangers. Hopefully this review will help get my point across!
Here at #1RideShareDoc, I’m all about sharing my personal story and experiences with you guys concerning this wild and crazy Rideshare industry! Making everyone aware of what goes on within the Rideshare industry is actually my top priority. Whether I’m covering passengers running late and how to deal with them or discussing drivers having road rage, nothing gets excluded. I talk about it all right here at #1 Rideshare Doc. Let’s discuss the things that these Rideshare companies aren’t talking about. Rideshare companies like Uber, Lyft, Via and Sidecar just to name a few! Please allow your Rideshare Doc prepare you for what’s ahead of you and more importantly behind you. Let’s begin!
This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:
What Exactly Is A “Shared Ride”?
How Does A “Shared Ride” Work?
What Is The Maximum Number Of Riders A Passenger Can Bring When Ordering A “Shared Ride”?
What Are Some Advantages And Disadvantages Of Choosing The “Shared Ride” Option?
My Professional Conclusion
A shared ride is literally when a passenger chooses to share their ride with another fellow passenger or stranger.A shared ride is just one of the many options that Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft offer it’s passengers who are looking to save a couple dollars and still get where they have to go in a timely fashion.
To order a shared ride, you would simply follow the same procedures you would follow when ordering a regular “UberX” or “Lyft Standard” ride. The only difference is that after opening your Rideshare app and entering your pickup and drop off locations you would only need to scroll down and select the “UberX shared” ride or “Lyft shared” option, instead of the “UberX” or “Lyft Standard” option.
The maximum number of riders a passenger is allowed to bring when ordering a “shared ride” is approximately zero lol. Yes you’ve read that number right! In other words when a passenger decides to order a ride that is supposed to be shared with another passenger, the only person that’s allowed to share that particular ride with that passenger is the passenger who ordered the ride. That being said, you’re only allowed to bring yourself along for the ride and no one else when the ride you ordered is “shared”! Bringing other riders along for the journey isn’t allowed, period. Even if the passenger only decided to bring a small child along for the ride.
There are actually only a few (3 to be exact !) benefits to sharing your ride with other fellow passengers, which are hardly worth listing to be honest. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the disadvantages of sharing your ride with other riders. That being said, I’ll start by first sharing my top 3 reasons why sharing your ride with strangers might be a good thing:
1.) Stay On Your Planned Schedule: When a passenger chooses the shared ride option, passengers can expect an added time limit of no more than 8 minutes.
2.) Save Your Hard Earned Money: When a passenger chooses the shared ride option, passengers save up to 20% on their rides. But of course the savings only occurs when the ride is being shared. So in other words, a passenger choosing the shared ride option doesn’t necessarily mean that the ride will be shared off bat. But when the ride is shared, up to 20% more dollars comes off of the total cost of the ride.
3.) Embrace Eco-Friendly Practices For The Climate: When a passenger chooses the “shared ride” option, the passenger is choosing to actively participate in benefiting both their community and the environment as a whole. The passenger is choosing to make a positive impact on traffic congestion and the quality of the air we breathe.
1.) Funky Passengers: When a passenger chooses the “shared ride” option, they’re also choosing to share their ride with passengers who may have hygiene issues. Some passengers really dislike soap and water! So if you’re a rider who happens to have a weak stomach, selecting the “shared ride” option may not be for you. Unless you don’t mind sitting next to a funky passenger! Keep these revolting thoughts in mind next time before choosing to share your ride with a complete stranger.
2.) Drunk Passengers: When a passenger chooses the “shared ride” option, they’re also choosing to share their ride with passengers who may have been drinking alcohol. Passengers are also choosing to share their ride with passengers who may be flat out drunk! So if you’re a rider who happens to be a recovering alcoholic or dislikes alcohol altogether, selecting the shared ride option may not be for you. Unless you absolutely don’t mind sitting next to a really drunk passenger!
3.) Ghetto Passengers: When a passenger chooses the shared ride option, they’re also choosing to share their ride with passengers who may be a little ghetto, ratchet, disrespectful or just doesn’t know how to act when they’re in front of people they don’t know. So if you’re a rider who happens to be a little sensitive when it comes to profanity, people who are rude and lack good manners, selecting the shared ride option may not be for you as well.
4.) Late Passengers: When a passenger chooses the shared ride option, they’re also choosing to share their ride with passengers who may be running a little behind schedule. So if you’re a rider who dislikes feeling rushed or dislikes Rideshare drivers speeding, selecting the shared ride option may also not be for you! Unless you don’t mind dealing with a late passenger who may be running behind schedule..
5.) Passengers With Pets/Personal Items: When a passenger chooses the shared ride option, they’re also choosing to share their ride with passengers who may have a pet or a bunch of personal belongings stuffed in the trunk and in the back seats. So if you’re a rider who happens to be allergic to animals or claustrophobic when it comes to being in small, tight, cluttered spaces, selecting the shared ride option may also not be for you as well! Unless you don’t mind dealing with passengers who may have service animals or a lot of personal belongings..
6.) No Privacy: Last but not least when a passenger chooses the “shared ride” option, they’re also choosing to not have as much privacy as they would have had if they were sitting in the back seats by themselves. So if you happen to be one of those riders who hasn’t finished getting dressed or putting makeup on for example, selecting the shared ride option may not be for you as well!

My Professional Conclusion:
To conclude this really short review, I would like to first say that I do personally understand where Rideshare companies are coming from when they first implemented this whole “shared ride” idea into the mix of Rideshare driving! That being said, there’s nothing wrong with trying to help passengers get to where they have to go on time, save money and protect the environment and the flow of traffic while doing so. But unfortunately for this to occur, the paying rider must share the ride they paid for with other riders potentially compromising their overall ride experience. No one knows who they’ll be sharing their ride with until that very moment when the ride is about to be shared.
Bad idea isn’t it? That’s the point I’ve been trying to make this entire time really! I mean am I the only Rideshare driver who believes that there should be an option available that helps passengers save money without them having to share their ride or wait an extra 15 or more minutes (wait and save!)? Even if a passenger is only allowed to save on two rides per week, there should be some sort of savings plan in place for passengers. Especially for passengers who order at least five rides per week or fifteen rides per month. But that’s just my personal opinion. Let me know what you guys think!
Now that we’re approaching the end of another great discussion, would you guys have anything to say or add to this review concerning passengers sharing their rides with strangers? Do you guys agree or disagree with what I said concerning why it’s a bad idea to choose the “shared ride” option? Whether you do or don’t agree, I would love to hear what’s on your minds! Please feel free to leave your stories, thoughts, comments and concerns at the bottom of this review and I will be sure to respond back to you promptly.
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