With this review, I plan on uncovering 10 important reasons for why a fight with a passenger would be more likely to happen in a Rideshare drivers vehicle. I also plan on uncovering 9 good ways for a Rideshare driver to avoid verbally or physically fighting with a passenger. I know they say that the things that are worth keeping in life must be fought for. But does that also pertain to an Uber ride that a passenger may have ordered lol? That being said, have you ever wondered what you’re supposed to do as a professional Rideshare driver when an angry passenger tries to physically or verbally fight you?
Here at #1RideShareDoc, I’m all about sharing my personal experiences with you guys concerning this off the wall Rideshare industry! How many of my Rideshare drivers ever had a passenger try to fight them before in the past? How many of my passengers ever had a driver try to fight them before in the past? Maybe it was over the driver taking a wrong turn or over a passenger eating in the driver’s car. Nevertheless, wouldn’t you just love to know some good ways of avoiding a fight with a passenger from happening?
If so, then again you’re in the right place. Let’s chat about the things that these Rideshare companies aren’t talking about. Companies like Uber, Lyft, Via, Alto and Sidecar just to name a few. Please allow me to prepare you for what’s ahead of you and more importantly behind you!
This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:
What Are 10 Good Reasons For Why An Altercation Would Be More Than Likely To Occur In A Rideshare Drivers Vehicle?
What Are 9 Good Ways For An Uber Driver To Go About Avoiding Or Preventing A Potential Fight With A Rider?
What Should A Driver Or Passenger Do After They’ve Found Themselves In An Altercation During A Ride?
What Steps Do Rideshare Companies Take After Receiving A Report Of Their Driver Or Passenger Fighting One Another?
My Professional Conclusion
Now before we discuss how to prevent a verbal or physical altercation from happening between a driver and a passenger during an Uber ride, we must first cover a few potential reasons for why a fight might even take place in a Rideshare driver’s vehicle. Now even though most trips tend to be more on the peaceful side, certain situations increase the chances of a problem arising between a driver and passenger! We all have reasons for what we do right? That being said, some reasons for why a fight could take place during a Rideshare ride include:
1.) Conflicts Over G.P.S Directions: Sometimes the passenger may have a preferred route that the Rideshare driver or G.P.S may not be aware of. This could lead to not only having a major disagreement between the driver and the passenger, but also a very tense and uneasy situation for the rest of the duration of the ride.
2.) The Passengers Intoxicated: Conflicts between drivers and passengers sometimes begin with a passenger being too drunk or simply under the influence of some other legal/illegal drug. Intoxicated passengers can be very unpredictable, which could increase the chance of a verbal or physical fight taking place during a ride..
3.) Issues Concerning How Much The Ride Cost: Arguments regarding how much Uber or Lyft charged the passenger, methods of payment or unforeseen charges can lead to a build up of tension before, during and after a trip has ended.
4.) A Passenger’s Behavior: Passengers who decide to exhibit disrespectful behavior towards the driver are also asking for other unwanted problems to escalate! Especially when a passenger or driver decides to not respect the other persons space. A confrontation is bound to happen now!
5.) Trouble With Navigation: A dispute with a frustrated or impatient passenger might take place if the driver happens to encounter a GPS connection issue or make a wrong turn!
6.) Poor Communication: When an Uber driver or passenger lacks in the area of having good communication skills, this could potentially form a breeding ground for misunderstandings to take place. Especially when the dispute involves the details of a passenger’s pick up or drop off location!
7.) Prolonged Delays or Waiting Periods: Passengers may also display anger or frustration upon a driver’s arrival, especially if the driver were to show up to the pickup location late! This would most definitely increase the chances of a verbal or physical altercation taking place between the rider and the driver. No one likes to wait longer than what they may have already planned for.
8.) The Condition Of A Driver’s Vehicle: Passengers may express them not being happy to their driver if the driver’s vehicle lacks cleanliness or isn’t being kept up. If this doesn’t lead to a fight taking place, then I don’t know if anything else will lol!
9.) Cancellation Fee Issues: Drivers who cancel on passengers create potential disputes or arguments for future drivers accepting that particular ride. Passengers who cancel on drivers create potential disputes for future passengers that get that particular driver. This happening on either side can cause a lot of frustration to build up which could potentially lead to a verbal or physical altercation taking place.
10.) Language Barriers: Differences that involved a passenger or Lyft driver not being able to speak or understand a certain language could also lead to a major misunderstanding between the driver and passenger. This could also potentially lead to an argument or physical alterations taking place between the driver and the passenger!
What Are 9 Good Ways For An Uber Driver To Go About Avoiding Or Preventing A Potential Fight With A Rider?
Now that we’ve discussed a few reasons for why a confrontation might occur within a ride share driver’s vehicle, it’s now time to discuss how to avoid or prevent a verbal or physical fight or confrontation from happening between a driver and passenger during a ride. Some ways that an Uber driver could go about avoiding or preventing an altercation from happening in their vehicle might include:
1.) Try To Relax/Stay Calm: If and when a passenger becomes irritated, upset or downright angry, do your best as a professional Rideshare driver to stay cool, calm and collected. By doing so, you could potentially avoid making the already bad situation worse. Especially when you choose not to respond to aggression with aggression, which would only escalate the situation..
2.) Maintaining Your Professionalism: As professional Rideshare drivers, it’s important to maintain your professionalism at all times, as best as you possibly can. This translates to interacting with passengers in a respectful and courteous manner, no matter what the situation is. Do your best to maintain neutral conversations and refrain from getting involved in heated debates.
3.) Effective Communication: When a passenger or driver says or does something that the other party may not agree with, clearly state what you allow and don’t allow to avoid any misunderstandings from occurring during the trip!
4.) Protecting Your Vehicle: Inspect the doors of your vehicle to ensure all locks and windows are functioning correctly. Doing this will allow you to secure yourself if you ever feel uneasy, unsafe, or threatened by a passenger. Then try using my “Strong Pull-Off Game” technique to prevent those potentially threatening passengers from vandalizing your vehicle.
5.) Checking The Passengers Ratings: Having a rating of 4.85 or higher is considered good in the Rideshare world. It doesn’t matter if you’re a driver or passenger. A low rating, is a low rating! Nevertheless, if you check the person’s rating and you happen to notice their rating being anything below a 4.85, this could also mean that the driver or passenger has a past history of starting problems. With that all being said, taking a passenger or drivers low rating into consideration could definitely help a person avoid having an issue before the issue even begins.
6.) Staying Away From Dark Areas: This is for my Uber drivers who drive at nigh like myself! Instead of doing pickups and drop offs in areas where it’s not much light, try to choose an area where it’s well lit and populated with a few people. You won’t be able to do this every time, but doing this when you can could definitely lighten your chances of getting an aggressive passenger who’s displaying aggressive behavior. It’s nothing like being able to see an angry, frustrated passenger coming towards a Rideshare drivers vehicle!
7.) Using Your In-App Support: Rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft actually offer in-app support for when passengers and drivers run into conflict with each other. When choosing this option, this allows someone other than yourself to jump in and resolve conflicts on your behalf..
8.) Put a Dash Cam In Your Vehicle: Installing a $$$$$ Dash Cam in your vehicle can actually deter aggressive, argumentive passengers from starting problems. Installing a camera could help not only protect drivers from unnecessary conflicts, but passengers as well. There’s nothing better than being able to provide visual evidence of an unnecessary dispute that could have been prevented.
9.) Abide By Uber And Lyft Protocols: When drivers follow Uber and Lyft procedures, policies and guidelines meticulously to operate within defined limits, this can actually reduce the likelihood of a conflict between a driver and a passenger taking place. So for example, make sure you’re always verifying names of your passengers or drivers prior to starting a trip.
What Should A Driver Or Passenger Do After They’ve Found Themselves In An Altercation During A Ride?
Fights do sometimes happen between driver’s and passengers which is very unfortunate. But when fights do break out, it’s always a good idea to contact local authorities first. Whether it be the passenger who threw the first punch or the driver, it’s always a good idea to get a report from the police stating what happened. That way if Uber or Lyft wants to penalize you for what happened (especially if you were the driver!), you’ll have a record of exactly what took place. Especially if what took place wasn’t your fault! Taking this approach could give Uber and Lyft the impression that you had no ill intentions and nothing to hide.
Whether it be a fight between an Uber driver and a passenger or an accident that involves your driver and another motorist, Rideshare companies take all reports very seriously. Especially when a report is coming from the passenger! It doesn’t matter how big or small the situations may be! That being said, after a report is made on a driver or passenger concerning having an altercation with the other, the person who is considered the aggressor would get their Uber account temporarily suspended and an investigation would follow.
Once the investigation has started, the Rideshare company would then reach out to both the driver and the passenger in order to get both sides of the story. This is where the drivers police report would come in, if the police were called to the scene. This would also be when the driver would have the chance to submit their camera footage if they had any or any other type of evidence they may have. Once the company has received all of the evidence available, they’ll then determine which party was the aggressor and that aggressor would of course be terminated and banned from using that particular Rideshare platform.

My Professional Conclusion:
To conclude this short review, I would like to say that because we’re always by ourselves when we’re accepting and completing trips, passengers may feel a little more tempted to get physical with us. Or at least that’s how I feel when imagining myself in a passengers shoes. When a passenger feels like the driver has wronged them or when the passenger feels like the driver should have done something that was asked of them, situations usually begin to get tense from that point. Being agreeable, prioritizing safety and maintaining a professional attitude along the way is the best way to prevent this from happening.
Now that we’re at the end of another great review, I would love to know what you guys have to say concerning passengers and Rideshare drivers getting into heated arguments or even worse a physical altercation. Do you agree or disagree with what I said concerning why a fight or altercation would be more likely to occur in a rideshare vehicle? Do you agree or disagree with what I said concerning how an Uber driver could go about avoiding or preventing a fight with a rider? Well whether you do or don’t have anything to say or add, I would love to hear what’s on your minds?
If you have something that you would like to say or add to this review, please feel free to leave those kind words at the bottom of this review and I will be sure to respond back to you promptly.
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