With this review, I plan on covering Rideshare driver vehicles being vandalized by passengers and how to properly prevent this from happening to you. It’s absolutely impossible to please everyone right? Especially if a person is already having a really messed up day. Why throw gasoline on a burning house? Who said that 2 wrongs can make a right? But I’m sure an angry passenger would disagree. Especially when they’re pissed off at something that they feel as though was the driver’s fault and not theirs! That being said, every driver eventually gets that one passenger that doesn’t appreciate their service or hard work!
Every driver eventually gets that passenger who wants to blame the world for the day that they may have had! It could be because the driver made a wrong turn or it could be simply because the passenger woke up late or on the wrong side of the bed. Either way whatever took place still shouldn’t be an acceptable reason to make the already bad situation worse! That being said, that’s exactly what an angry passenger is doing when they decide to vandalize a business or a Rideshare drivers motor vehicle. Making the situation worse, that’s for sure! There goes that angry passengers five-star rating too lol..

Here at #1RideShareDoc, I’m all about sharing my personal story and 6 years of personal experiences with you concerning Rideshare driving and this humongous Rideshare industry! I really enjoy writing about and discussing all sorts of important, unimportant and sometimes crazy topics that you don’t really hear other people talking or writing about. Especially when it pertains to other professional Rideshare drivers and the Rideshare companies we work for! Rideshare companies like Uber, Lyft, Via and Sidecar just to name a few examples.
I want everyone to be mindful of what drivers and passengers go through when using these Rideshare apps. Especially folks who haven’t had the chance to use these Rideshare apps before. That’s the whole reason why I created this website! I really enjoy helping, guiding and informing people on the things they should already be aware of before spending their hard-earned money. If you were in my shoes or in my car should I say, I would expect you or someone caring to do the same for me. So without further ado, please allow my lessons and experiences to guide you through the blind spots of this wicked, dangerous, high speed industry!
This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:
My Personal Definition For A Passenger Vandalizing A Driver’s Vehicle!
What Are Some Reasons Why A Passenger Might Vandalize An Uber Drivers Motor Vehicle?
What Are Some Ways That An Angry Passenger Might Go About Vandalizing A Driver’s Car?
How Can A Driver Prevent Having They’re Car Vandalized Or Damaged By An Angry Passenger?
What Are Some Respectable Ways Of An Angry Rider Going About Handling A Bad Driver?
What Should Both Parties (Driver/Passenger) Keep In Mind For The Better Of Everyone?
My Professional Conclusion For Passengers Who Vandalize Rideshare Vehicles!

My Personal Definition For A Passenger Vandalizing A Driver’s Vehicle!
My readers should already know by now that I really enjoy creating my own definitions that pertain to what I’m writing about. That being said (when it relates to Rideshare driving), my definition for a passenger vandalizing my car would be any intentional act committed by an angry passenger that leaves the Uber or Lyft driver’s car in a condition that the passenger didn’t originally find or enter the vehicle in. It could be something as simple as an angry passenger pouring water into the driver’s backseats or worse, breaking a window. Now I know you might be thinking, “well it’s just water. “It’ll dry up soon”!
But if you’re having these exact thoughts you’re not only the angry, vandalizing passenger I’m writing about, but you’ve also already missed my point and my definition to what vandalism means to me. Especially when it involves Rideshare driving. So again, when the passenger leaves their driver’s car in any type of bad condition that they didn’t originally find the car in (in my humble opinion!), this in my book would be considered vandalism. Even if it is something that’s easy to clean up or fix!

What Are Some Reasons Why A Passenger Might Vandalize An Uber Drivers Motor Vehicle?
There are all sorts of stupid reasons why an angry passenger might feel as though it’s necessary for them to vandalize an Uber driver’s car. But before I get into those reasons, I would first like to state that this list of excuses isn’t intended for an angry passenger to use whenever they feel like they need a good reason to vandalize an Uber driver’s car. This list of excuses is intended for other drivers to help them become more aware of what angry passengers might say when they commit these stupid, childish acts.
By you (the driver!) reading and remembering this short list, you’ll already have your mind made up on what your follow-up response or actions might be. As I’ve said in every article so far, my whole goal for creating this website is to prepare you for what’s going to be ahead of you and more importantly behind you. Allow my lessons to become your blessings! So with that being said, that’s what I plan on doing once again with this list of excuses.
So jumping right in, here are some excuses that an angry passenger might say before, during or after vandalizing a driver’s car:
-“He Should’ve Just Taken Us To Where We Had To Go”: One of the biggest statements a passenger might say while becoming angry with a driver, would be when a driver refuses to take them where they have to go. And a lot of times, it’s due to disrespect! That being said, a passenger really thinks they can say whatever they want to say to a driver and because they paid for the ride, you’re supposed to just take the disrespect and give them what they paid for anyway.
But when the driver doesn’t give in, bad things tend to follow. So in return, the passenger just might try to get back at you.. or should I say, your vehicle!
-“The Drop Off Destination Is Only Up The Street”: This is another statement a passenger might say while being angry with a driver. Maybe because the driver wouldn’t drive them those few extra miles up or down the street, for whatever good reason. A lot of times it’s because the passenger may not have had a car seat or might have had too many passengers or something similar. So the passenger then decides to use a statement similar to this one and assumes that the driver will just listen and give in to what their requesting.
But again when the driver doesn’t give in, bad things tend to follow afterwards. So in return, the passenger might just try to get back at you.. That being said, when the passenger feels like them disrespecting you or cursing you out hasn’t gotten their message or point across, it’s now time to get back at you.. or should I say, your vehicle!
-“Our Last Driver Did It”… “So You Are Wrong For This”: This is another statement a passenger might say while being angry with a driver. The passenger themselves compare you to their last driver! The passenger simply assumes that “if our last drivers did it”, you should do it too”, is what that angry passenger is basically saying. And a lot of times they use this excuse because they can’t think of anything else better to say. So the angry passenger then decides to use a statement similar to this one, assuming again that the driver will simply listen and comply, so he or she doesn’t have to feel like they’re any different.
But once again, when the driver doesn’t give in to an angry passenger’s demands, bad things tend to follow afterwards. So in return once again, the passenger might just try to get back at you or your vehicle!
-“We Could Have Made It Fit”: This is another statement a passenger might say while being angry with a Lyft driver. When the passenger can’t make something bulky fit, it’s not the driver’s fault! But the passenger might treat the driver like it is their fault, when they’re not willing to wait or willing to do something extra, that’s not necessarily required of them! That being said, customers really believe that they can bring any and everything to a Lyft or Uber driver’s car and make it fit no matter what! But sometimes, this isn’t the case!
So the angry passenger then decides to use a statement similar to this one, assuming again that the driver will simply listen and comply. But when the driver shows the angry passenger otherwise, you should know by now what tends to follow afterwards. It’s “get back” time! And it doesn’t necessarily always have to be vandalism.
-“He Shouldn’t Have Said Anything”: This is another statement a passenger might say while being angry with a driver. The passenger assumes that the drivers “the quiet type” and that they shouldn’t have any type of responses to their ridiculous statements. But when the angry passenger is shown different, they kind of go into parent mode, taking the driver as a child. “I guess it’s time to spank the driver now since they wanna talk back”, is what’s probably going through the angry passenger’s mind. Or at least that’s how it might seem when an angry passenger is ready to fight or vandalize the driver’s car.
That being said, a passenger really thinks they can say whatever they want to say to an adult driver and because they paid for the ride the driver is supposed to just take the disrespect and not say one word. But once again, when the driver doesn’t give in to an angry passenger’s expectations, bad things tend to follow afterwards. So in return once again, the passenger just might try to get back at you or your vehicle by doing something stupid. All In the heat of the moment too!
-“We Paid Our Money For This Ride”: This is another statement a passenger might say while being angry with their Uber driver. Maybe because they feel as though their money is more important than the drivers safety or sanity, I don’t know! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this statement when I’m ready to cancel on an angry passenger. That being said, a passenger really thinks that paying their money for a short ride is going to be the driver’s main focus when things go south for whatever reason!.
The driver is simply supposed to take the disrespect and give the passenger what they paid for anyway. WRONG!!! Now when the driver doesn’t give in and the angry passenger realizes it (as I’ve said many times, which I feel like I can’t repeat enough!), bad things tend to follow. Especially in the heat of the moment. So in return the passenger just might try to get back at you.. or should I say again, your vehicle!
-“He Should’ve Just Made The Stop: This is another statement a passenger might say while being angry with a driver. An angry passenger really believes that because they paid for the ride at the beginning, that their money also covers any stops that they might want to make along the way. But it doesn’t! That being said, the angry passenger just didn’t get the memo yet of this not being the case..
So when the driver reminds the angry passenger of the memo by not giving in (In the heat of the moment!), bad things tend to follow once again. In return, the passenger just might try to get back at you.. or should I say, your vehicle!
-“I Didn’t Have A Car Seat”: This is another statement a passenger might say while being angry with a driver. Especially when a passenger doesn’t have a child safety seat for their baby. They know it’s not the driver’s fault, even though this might be hard to accept. That being said, the passenger then expects the driver to be lenient and let it slide! But when the driver doesn’t give in to the angry passengers mental expectations, you know what could possibly happen next right?
I actually had my car door kicked and dented because of a passenger not having a car seat and me refusing to complete the ride..
–“You’re Making Me Late”: This is another statement that a late passenger might say while being angry with the driver. They really feel as though the driver is the reason why they’re running late for work or behind schedule! This actually might even cause the angry passenger to try to fight the driver instead of vandalizing the drivers car or both. That being said, passengers really expect the driver to accept fault when they’re timing is off..
But when the driver doesn’t give in to the angry passengers expectations that they’re holding in their mind, it’s now time for the childish side of the passenger to show. Or at least that’s how the angry passenger might feel, while being in there little moment!

To conclude the reasons why an angry passenger might vandalize the driver’s vehicle, I would like to say that:
In a nutshell, things tend to go south when you use this one special word, with an angry passenger. This one word could make a ride go from great, to a living nightmare for both the driver and the passenger. Especially in the heat of the moment!This is even a word that children hate to hear and it only has two letters! This word starts fights with not only Rideshare drivers, but really with anyone who doesn’t feel like that word is justified. With this all being said, that simple two letter word is “NO”!!!! And now that we’re bringing this list to a close, I would like to say that I feel as though a person or passenger should never have a reason to hurt someone or their property.
Especially if the individual being hurt is just trying to do their job. When this is the case, nothing should be taken personal. That being said, I’m pretty sure you noticed that some of these excuses are really stupid. I know they are lol! But let’s just say that I’ve had enough experiences and conversations with passengers concerning their bad experience with other drivers (36,000+ rides worth!) to the point where I know that the majority of these statements (if not all of them!) are real excuses that adult passengers use. So I know for sure a lot of these excuses are real!

What Are Some Ways That An Angry Passenger Might Go About Vandalizing A Driver’s Car?
When an Uber driver’s vehicle is being vandalized by an angry passenger (click the link for an example!), there’s two levels to this type of damage. There’s what I like to call “unnoticeable damage” and “very noticeable damage”, with no in betweens. That being said, I would consider “unnoticeable damage” to be the kind of vandalism a Rideshare driver would barely notice and might be able to easily fix, clean up or possibly hide! “Noticable damage” would be the complete opposite! Now for some examples:

I would consider for example, “unnoticeable damage” to be something like:
-a passenger pouring some kind of staining, sticky liquid into the driver’s seats,
-a passenger leaving food or some sort of sticky, crumby, wet trash in the side doors or under the driver seat or the driver’s right passenger seat,
-a passenger puncturing tiny holes behind the driver’s seat or the driver’s right passenger seat,
-a passenger staining any part of the cars carpets or seats (if they’re fabric).
-a passenger scratching the exterior of your car with a sharp object (depending on how much and how deep the scratches are!),
-a passenger leaving some sort of liquid or dirt stains in the carpet of your trunk,
Now I would consider for example, “noticeable damage” to be something like:
-a passenger throwing some kind of staining, sticky liquid around the interior of a driver’s car (large amounts!),
-a passenger using a lighter to burn the driver’s seats, floors or any other flammable objects or surfaces within the drivers vehicle,
-a passenger using an hard object (rock or glass bottle etc.), to crack or break the drivers interior side of their windows or inside door paneling,
-a passenger using a hard object (like a rock or glass bottle) to crack or break any parts pertaining to the vehicles exterior including windows and/or exterior car paneling,
-a passenger using a body part and physically denting your exterior or cracking the window of the driver’s car
-A passenger using a sharp object to scratch up the exterior of the driver’s vehicle,
-A passenger using a sharp object to damage or burst the driver’s tires.

How Can A Driver Prevent Having Their Car Vandalized Or Damaged By An Angry Passenger?
To be totally honest with you guys, there’s really only one definite route that any professional Rideshare driver could take when it comes to preventing an angry passenger from vandalizing they’re vehicle! I used to think that there was some special word I could say or a magical gesture I could make. But I learned my lesson a long time ago, the hard way! Never try to fight fire, with fire. I’ll share my horror story concerning that in another review. But in the meantime, are you ready for this magical position you could take, when dealing with an angry passenger? Here we go!
The best thing you could do as a professional Rideshare driver to calm down an angry passenger and prevent them from vandalizing your motor vehicle, is to be very, very agreeable with whatever the circumstances are. But agreeable on their side, not yours! When I say very agreeable, I am referring to the passengers issue, problem or point that they’re trying to make. Being agreeable with an angry passenger can not only save the drivers vehicle from being damaged, but can also protect them and they’re rating as a professional Rideshare driver.
Now this won’t work 100% of the time, but it could work at least 90% of the time. And if you don’t believe me, please visit my profile page and check out how long I have been with Lyft and how many rides I’ve completed so far (and counting!). That being said, people tend to leave you alone when you just give them what they want. Take into consideration an extreme case of two separate people being robbed, at two different times. One individual decides to get smart with the robber, while the other person decides to give the robber exactly what they want.
Now I would like to ask you guys who do you think out of these two scenarios of individuals being robbed (at two separate times), has the more likely chance of surviving this nightmare? I’m pretty sure that each and every one of you answered with, the person that is being more agreeable and not the person who’s being a smart-ass! Hopefully giving you guys that example helps make my point that I was trying to make more understandable. And if all else fails, don’t be afraid to exercise my “strong pull-off game“. Avoid that angry passenger altogether! Other than that, always keep this simple scenario in mind, while agreeing with your passenger on whatever issue they may be experiencing.
And on a brighter note, depending on how agreeable you are with your passenger, I’ve actually been in scenarios where they tell me to cancel the ride as if I wasn’t already planning on cancelling lol! I don’t know if it’s because I’ve had a lot of practice over the years with agreeing with my passengers or if it’s because I haven’t ran into the right passenger yet that’s not going to care if I’m agreeing with them or not! But either way, taking either this approach or my “strong pull-off game” approach with an angry passenger normally does the trick! Arguing or doing the complete opposite doesn’t.

What Are Some Respectable Ways Of An Angry Passenger Going About Handling A Bad Driver?
Instead of repeating myself, I’m just going to say that the passenger can do the same thing as the Lyft driver when it comes to an angry, heated situation. Whether it be the driver being angry or the passenger being angry, it doesn’t matter. That being said, an angry passenger could handle a bad driver by simply being agreeable and allowing the driver to just do whatever they feel they’re supposed to do. As long as it’s not hurting the passenger or driver themselves.
Now what I didn’t mention in the previous section, is that you could still report the passenger or driver, after the ride has been completed. And that’s only if you guys weren’t able to kiss and make up during the ride lol.

What Should Both Parties (Driver/Passenger) Keep In Mind For The Better Of Everyone?
I’ve created this short list for any reader who has in their mind that being agreeable with a stranger isn’t the right way to go. Hopefully by me creating this short list, I’ll be able to help more professional drivers and passengers understand and hopefully become more agreeable with one another. So with that being said, a driver and/or passenger should always understand the following:
1.) You don’t know each other, first and foremost,
2.) No one’s intentionally trying to hurt the other, (most of the time),
3.) Both parties are just trying to have a good day or night with no problems (most of the time),
4.) No one plans for anything bad to happen intentionally (most of the time),
5.) Two wrongs, don’t make a right,
6.) Someone has to be the mediator and
7.) Someone has to be the bigger person!

To sum this really short review up on angry passengers vandalizing Rideshare drivers vehicles, I would like to say that if you know and understand vandalism before going into business for yourself (like rideshare driving for example), then you also would already know ahead of time that it’s just part of the game when it comes to owning your own business. Especially when there’s an angry customer (or in this case a passenger) at your door. That being said, some people simply don’t know how to properly handle adult situations or don’t care to understand how to properly handle disagreements, misunderstandings or bad business.
I also would like to say in closing that it’s impossible to make every passenger happy. We know this already right? If you try to make everyone happy, you’ll be disappointed more than half the time! So instead of trying to make every passenger happy, instead try being more agreeable as often as possible. When you carry this type of approach, more than 95% of your connections will go smoothly. The other 5% would have failed, even if it were someone else sitting behind your wheel. Some people just aren’t happy and don’t want to see other people happy either!
Now that we’re nearing the end of yet another great review, you know I would love to hear what’s on my readers minds! What do you think when it comes to passengers who vandalize Rideshare drivers vehicles? Was it something that I didn’t mention that you would like to add? Do you agree with my thoughts on passengers vandalizing driver’s vehicles or do you simply agree on being agreeable with people? Well whether you do or you don’t agree, I would love to hear how you feel. Please leave your thoughts at the bottom of this review (in the comment section!), And I will be more than happy to respond back to you as soon as possible.
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