The Importance Of Drivers Helping Passengers With Bags!

Happy family, african american man and woman, loading luggage into car for vacation

The following review will highlight the importance of Rideshare drivers providing assistance to passengers carrying heavy items, bags or luggage. Sometimes we all need a little help right? Whether it be help getting somewhere you’re not too familiar with or help fixing something that you’re not too sure on how to fix! Depending on the … Read more

The Importance Of Rideshare Drivers Using Lyft Or Uber LED Amps!

A Lyft amp sitting on the dashboard of a car

In this review, I’ll be discussing the importance of Rideshare drivers having and utilizing Uber beacons and Lyft LED Amps. Now I have a few questions to ask you guys. If there was a way for you to make your job a whole lot easier, wouldn’t you want to know about it? I mean, who … Read more

How To Handle Lost And Found Items As A Rideshare Driver!

Red lost and found sign on brick wall

In this short review, my intention is to provide a little guidance on effectively managing lost and found items for my folks working as professional Rideshare drivers. How many of us have ever misplaced something before and had to go through hell and hot water to find it? How many of us have ever lost … Read more

The Benefits Of Easily Using The Bathroom As A Rideshare Driver!

A man in camouflage pants pees on the nature in the grass

With this short review, I plan on discussing the benefits of easily being able to use the bathroom as a Rideshare driver! Yes, I really do plan on covering how easy it is for a driver to take a piss while picking up and dropping off passengers. Since everyone else is so scared to talk … Read more

The Benefits Of Knowing Where Everything’s Located As A Rideshare Driver!

difficult or impossible choice, all roads lead to Rome, lost directions

In this review, I’ll be exploring the benefits of knowing where everything is located as a Rideshare driver! How many of you guys love to hang out and have fun? All of my readers for the most part right? How many of you guys love traveling or discovering new places to hang out at? Hangout … Read more

8 Benefits For Rideshare Drivers Operating In Areas They Know Well!

Cute and funny red car character pointing to something with its hand, cartoon vector illustration with place for text. Funny red car character, mascot pointing, drawing attention to something

With this review, I plan on covering the benefits of Rideshare drivers only driving in places that they are familiar with! You ever found yourself doing something that you weren’t too familiar with, which might have caused you to take longer than what it should have taken you? Whatever that may have been? Now have … Read more

My Lyft Jacket And How I Really Feel About It!

The black Lyft Jacket

This review will be about me receiving my Lyft jacket (6 plus years ago!) as a Rideshare driver after completing my first 1,000 rides and how I really feel about it! We all have jobs right? With these jobs comes the lazy employees, the hard-working employees and the employees who are always calling out lol. … Read more

How Rideshare Drivers Can Keep Busy When There’s No Rides!

Round template with tired man sleeping at the wheel inside of his car. Sleepy guy while driving as a result of insomnia and lack of sleep. Flat Art Vector Illustration

Have you ever thought about how a Rideshare driver would keep themselves busy when they’re not picking up or dropping off passengers? How about when it’s extremely slow and no rides are coming in at all? The thought of having nothing to do while being at work can make any person feel like they’re wasting … Read more

The Importance Of Rideshare Drivers Having A Strong Pull-Off Game!

Drag racing car burning tire at starting line in race track

In this short review, my honest intention is to highlight the significance of professional Rideshare drivers mastering the art of efficient pull-offs! Yes it’s an art lol. I think that would be the best way to put it, especially if I’m trying to start this review off right. How many of you ever found yourselves … Read more

5 Important Facts Why Rideshare Drivers And Passengers Should Use Tolls!

Toll Road sign at a toll bridge in Texas

In this comprehensive review, I’ll be covering five compelling facts or reasons that emphasize the importance of Rideshare drivers and passengers utilizing toll roads. By exploring the advantages and highlighting their significance, I hope to shed light on the importance of drivers using tolls. They say that there’s no shortcuts in life right? Well, maybe … Read more