The Importance Of Rideshare Drivers Allowing Passengers To Use Their Trunk Space!

Full car trunk with a camping equipment and a Yorkshire Terrier dog wearing sunglasses ready for a vacation

In this review, my intention is to emphasize the significance of Rideshare drivers permitting passengers to utilize their trunk space. With every job comes certain requirements right? Maintenance requirements, communication requirements, qualification requirements and in this case, space requirements lol! That being said, I now need all of my professional drivers to say goodbye to … Read more

The Importance Of Maintaining Good Communication Between The Driver And The Passenger!

Hispanic driver on a rideshare app. Handsome man driving a young woman passenger to her destination

With this review, I’ll be addressing the importance of maintaining good communication between Rideshare drivers and passengers. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where something could have been prevented if only there were better communication between both parties? Better yet, I’ll give you an example that pertains to a little bit of what … Read more

The Benefits And Importance Of Passengers Grabbing The Drivers Attention First!

A Woman With a Protective Face Mask is Rushing to the Work Place. Young Woman is Standing in the Street and Hailing for a Taxi with Raised Arm During a Corona Virus Time.

With this short review, I’ll be aiming to emphasize the importance and benefits of passengers grabbing the attention of their Rideshare drivers first before getting in their vehicles! We live in a time where anything could happen especially when you’re not paying attention. Sometimes things can happen in the blink of an eye! Especially within … Read more

The Importance Of Rideshare Drivers Using Lyft Or Uber LED Amps!

A Lyft amp sitting on the dashboard of a car

In this review, I’ll be discussing the importance of Rideshare drivers having and utilizing Uber beacons and Lyft LED Amps. Now I have a few questions to ask you guys. If there was a way for you to make your job a whole lot easier, wouldn’t you want to know about it? I mean, who … Read more

The Importance Of Rideshare Drivers Having A Strong Pull-Off Game!

Drag racing car burning tire at starting line in race track

In this short review, my honest intention is to highlight the significance of professional Rideshare drivers mastering the art of efficient pull-offs! Yes it’s an art lol. I think that would be the best way to put it, especially if I’m trying to start this review off right. How many of you ever found yourselves … Read more

The Importance Of Drivers Taking Breaks and Meditation

Young asian woman praying to Guanyin Bodhisattva decorative statue in car blessing for a safe journey on road

With this short review, I’ll be covering the importance of Rideshare drivers taking breaks and the importance of meditation. You ever went to work and felt like you lost your mind after you got off? How about while you’re at work or as soon as you arrived lol? All of us come close to losing … Read more