The Importance Of Rideshare Drivers Allowing Passengers To Use Their Trunk Space!

In this review, my intention is to emphasize the significance of Rideshare drivers permitting passengers to utilize their trunk space. With every job comes certain requirements right? Maintenance requirements, communication requirements, qualification requirements and in this case, space requirements lol! That being said, I now need all of my professional drivers to say goodbye to your trunk space! That’s right, you’re required by all Rideshare companies to accommodate passengers who need to use your trunk. So in other words, move your s**t when your driving for Lyft. Sounds like a slogan now doesn’t it lol!

Here at #1RideShareDoc, I’m all about sharing not only my story, but also my personal experiences with you concerning this humongous Rideshare industry. I have a lot of good and bad experiences that I feel could benefit each and every one of you visiting this platform. Whether you’re a driver or passenger, I promise you that there’s something here that each and every one of you could learn from. I’m pretty sure there’s something that I could learn from you as well. Let’s share them and turn them into learning experiences! Let’s discuss the things that these Rideshare companies like UberLyftVia, and Sidecar aren’t talking about. Let me help prepare you for what’s ahead of you and more importantly behind you. Shall we begin!

This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:

What Exactly Is A Trunk Space?
Does Your Cars Trunk Size Matter?
Why Is It A Good Idea To Keep Your Trunk Space Empty?
What Should Drivers Keep In Mind When Sharing The Trunk Space With Passengers?
What If You Don’t Have Enough Trunk Space?
What Should A Drivers Trunk Space Be Used For?
What Shouldn’t A Drivers Trunk Space Be Used For?
What Are 6 Benefits Of Providing Passengers With The Option To Use Your Vehicle’s Trunk Space?
Do Rideshare Companies Require Lyft Drivers To Provide Trunk Space To Passengers?
My Professional Conclusion For Allowing Passengers To Use Your Trunk Space!

Trunk open and clean car to enter luggage

What Exactly Is A Trunk Space?

In case some of you may not be aware of what a trunk space is, a car’s trunk space is that beautiful little space or area that typically exists at the very back end of every driver’s motor vehicle. Some trunk spaces are located at the front of the vehicle depending on the year, make and model. A vehicle’s trunk space can also be called a boot or tailgate, though I like the term “trunk space” a whole lot better.

Based on my research findings the typical capacities of car trunk spaces vary according to the vehicles size. Subcompact cars generally have an average volume of about 10-12 cubic feet, while compacts range from about 12-13 cubic feet. Midsize sedans typically offer trunk sizes ranging from 14-16 cubic feet, while large sedans boast the most generous trunk space, ranging from 17-21 cubic feet.

Wide clean empty red car boot with isolated windows

Does Your Cars Trunk Size Matter?

Now the next question you might be asking yourself since the last segment ended with me discussing trunk sizes, is does your car’s trunk size really matter? My answer to that simple question would be it depends. If you’re just grabbing a car for personal usage and you’re not planning on moving any large items, then purchasing a vehicle with a 10-12 cubic foot size trunk may be all you need. But if you’re planning on working with your car which could also involve moving large items or furniture, I would of course recommend you purchasing a vehicle with a 12-17 cubic foot size trunk.

Now when it refers to a person working as a Rideshare driver, I would have to say that the smallest trunk size which is 10-12 cubic feet should work just fine. I’m not saying that because my trunk is 10-12 cubic feet either! I’m saying that because I know for sure that having a trunk that size could fit most of what a passenger might bring along for the journey. Out of 36,000 completed rides, I don’t think I’ve encountered one ride where a passenger’s belongings simply couldn’t fit! Unless they were just bringing way too many items or the items they were bringing were too understandably large to accommodate. But you get my point!

Red fire extinguisher, battery jumper cables, towing strap and first aid kit in trunk. Car safety

Why Is It A Good Idea To Keep Your Trunk Space Empty?

Before answering this question, I would like to first say that it’s totally fine for a driver to have a few personal items left in their trunk space. Especially if it’s for work and you’re comfortable with having strangers place their personal items next to or on your personal items. I have a few personal items in my trunk such as bottled water and cleaning products. But that’s just me! As a private contractor, you’re welcome to do as you see fit. But if you’re aiming to please your customers in every imaginable way possible, it would be a very good idea for you to keep your trunk space clear of all personal items.

The first reason why it would be a good idea for a Rideshare driver to keep their trunk space clear is because you don’t know how large or how many personal items or bags a passenger plans on bringing with them when they order their ride. You could get four adult passengers carrying one suitcase a piece for example, which would make a total of 4 suitcases being packed into your trunk area. So as you can see, it’s always a good idea to be ready for whatever your passengers present you with. Especially if you’re aiming for that good’ole 5 star rating. Preparation is key guys!

Fat latin woman with a suitcase waiting for her taxi car while requesting a trip on a ride share app

What Should Drivers Keep In Mind When Sharing The Trunk Space With Passengers?

When deciding to share your trunk space with passengers or strangers all drivers should keep in mind that whatever you may still have back there in your trunk, regardless of how cheap or expensive it is could be at risk of being damaged or even worse stolen. I’ve had bottled water stolen before, about 5 umbrellas, tire shine and a portable electronic air pump which actually was the most expensive item stolen from my trunk area. Oh, and I’ve had bags of potato chips damaged before too. Or should I say smashed or crushed.. My favorite bag of potato chips at that lol!

That being said, you always want to accompany these “chip smashing” passengers when they’re using your trunk space.. Especially if you have personal belongings back there! You have to make sure that your personal belongings stay in the same condition and in their designated areas. You also have to make sure that your passengers don’t leave any belongings behind including any potential mess they may have created. Especially if they’re putting cook out food in your trunk or bags that were sitting on the dirty ground. Keep these things in mind and you should be just fine!

pickup of a gardening team with tools on loading area

What If You Don’t Have Enough Trunk Space?

Now even though your trunk space might have been empty, sometimes you just won’t have enough space to accompany your passengers precious belongings lol. In cases like these I try to be as cooperative and flexible as possible. When I say cooperative and flexible I basically mean allowing my passengers to place their belongings wherever they need to, including my front passenger seat or on the floor. If they don’t mind holding their belongings they’re welcome to do that as well. So as you can see when you don’t have a lot of trunk space, it’s an easy fix!

Vehicle fully packed for an autumn hiking and camping trip.

What Should A Drivers Trunk Space Be Used For?

This really needs to be explained so passengers can stop trying to put mountain bikes or picnic tables for example in our trunks. A Rideshare drivers trunk space should be strictly used for heavy items like bags or for items of a reasonable size that might be hard to fit inside a car. Something large and/or heavy like a speaker, a case of water or a car tire. The trunk space area could also be used for items that could possibly cause damage to the interior of a driver’s car.

Items that are sharp and/or made out of some sort of hard, metal like material like a bar stool, a bench, a mirror or picture frame, an exercise dumbbell or a fold-up chair. We don’t need any glass or wooden products cracking or breaking during the ride. We don’t need any door panels being dented or scratched when passengers are placing and/or removing whatever that large item is from our vehicle!

Diving gear loaded in car trunk for diving trip on Bonaire. During our vacation on this beautiful island my sons took their diving equipment with them. It just fitted in the small car that we rented.

What Shouldn’t A Drivers Trunk Space Be Used For?

Now that I’ve explained what a trunk space should be used for, it’s now time to explain what it isn’t used for so passengers just can stop trying to place their one grocery bag and bottle of Jack Daniels in my trunk. A Rideshare drivers trunk space shouldn’t be used when the passenger is only carrying four small bags or less. When I say that, I’m speaking about groceries lol! When referring to luggage like suitcases or carry-on bags, if the passenger only has one suitcase or carry-on bag, this also would disqualify you from using my precious trunk space lol!

That being said, when a customer has very little bags or is bringing cookout food with them for example, I think it would always be a good idea to put these items on the backseat and/or on the floor, for monitoring purposes. You want to make sure that not only everything stays in the bags (since it’s not that many!), but also nothing spills out of your aluminum foil containers, bowels and trays that are holding food.

Rear view of two women loading reusable bag and a wooden crate with fresh produce, in a car trunk, after vising farmer's market.

What Are 6 Benefits Of Providing Passengers With The Option To Use Your Vehicle’s Trunk Space?

The presence of trunk space in a vehicle provides a lot of advantages rendering it a highly coveted attribute for a wide range of individuals. Some of the benefits include:

Storage: The typical trunk space of a motor vehicle is used for separating and/or storing your everyday items like for example luggage, grocery bags or simple work supplies. When a driver or passenger chooses to utilize the cars trunk space, it frees up more space inside of the vehicle for the driver or passengers to move around more freely. The trunk space also allows you to move larger items in a more secure state sorta speaking.

Privacy: Trunk spaces provide passengers with ample storage capacity for personal belongings. The fact that the trunk door closes and locks also ensures a certain level of privacy. So if you ever find yourself out and about or driving in a bad neighborhood, putting all of your valuables in your trunk could make it harder for a potential robber to steal your belongings. Especially since they can immediately see what your holding back there!

Maintaining Interior Space: Whena driver or passenger decides to utilize their trunk space as a storage area, you free up more space inside of your vehicle for other items that you or the passenger may have. This feature proves advantageous especially in compact vehicles with limited space, guaranteeing an uncluttered and functional interior for passengers.

Comfortable, Relaxed Passengers: When a Rideshare driver’s trunk space is clear, the comfort level for your passengers is a lot different. Especially if they were able to fit everything they brought with them in your trunk space. With reduced clutter and increased legroom, your passengers can now fully appreciate the spaciousness of your vehicle, allowing them to relax and even cross their legs if they decide to lol!

Flexibility: Beingable to be flexible or versatile with your passengers can also take your earnings and your rating a long way! Who doesn’t love convenience? I know I do! So what passenger wouldn’t love to know that they have the option of bringing small and large items with them while riding in the backseat of a Rideshare driver’s vehicle? See my point now when it comes to potentially increasing a drivers earnings and ratings? Providing choices always imparts a sense of exclusivity to passengers and don’t you forget it!

Great Safety Measurement: You know I had to save the best benefit for last! The trunk space of a driver’s vehicle could actually be used to secure items that can pose as a safety hazard to the driver. Especially if a serious car accident were to take place! That being said, objects that may present a safety risk and ought to be stored in the trunk of your vehicle include items like fully loaded cans containing flammable liquids such as fuel, kerosene, and aerosols.

There are other items that could also pose as a safety hazard like glass material, heavy sports equipment or weights and weapons of any and all kinds. Now I’ll sum this all up by saying this.. to ensure the protection of everything in front of your vehicle’s trunk space, it is very essential to place any items that have the potential to cause damage to either you or your vehicle, inside the trunk. Does that last statement sum everything up for you guys? Let me know in the comments..

Tyumen, Russia - May 11,2019: Mobile app Uber on a Apple iPhone XR

Do Rideshare Companies Require Lyft Drivers To Provide Trunk Space To Passengers?

Crazy to say this but Rideshare companies really do require all drivers to accommodate passengers who need to use their trunk space. That’s right, your trunk area doesn’t belong to you anymore once you sign that dotted line with Uber or Lyft! As a matter of fact, during every drivers orientation they made you aware of you having to clean out your trunk space for accommodating your passengers personal belongings. I guess they want us to be prepared for whatever the passengers might bring along for the ride.

The more accommodations you provide a passenger with, the more money these Rideshare companies make. But it’s evident that they’re already fully aware of this fact, which is why they enforce this accommodation!

Cartoon African American Doctor

My Professional Conclusion For Allowing Passengers To Use Your Trunk Space!

So in conclusion I would like to say that it’s always a good idea for a Rideshare driver to be ready for anything and to expect the unexpected when dealing with the public! Keeping an empty trunk space is just one of the ways of going about expecting the unexpected. I wouldn’t worry too much about the size of your trunk because from my experience the average passenger doesn’t bring items that would require a larger amount of space. It does happen though! But only on rare occasions. Being a little patient along with a little flexibility should do the trick!

Now that we’re near the end of another great review, I want to know what you guys think when it comes to Rideshare drivers allowing passenger to use their trunk space. Do you agree that drivers shouldn’t have any of their personal belongings in their trunk when working? Do you think passengers are entitled to a driver’s trunk space or whatever space they may need from a driver’s personal vehicle? What are your thoughts on this whole subject matter? If you have anything on your mind you would like to say or a story that you would like to share, please feel free to share them in the comment section below.

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If you’re not interested in driving strangers around in the backseat of your car, but interested in having a flexible lifestyle, you could always start a business working from home! If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to read my review on Wealthy Affiliate. Thank you so much for reading!

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