14 Annoying Statements That Passengers Say To Uber Drivers!

And annoyed driver and passenger going back and forth!

With this short review, I plan on uncovering the top 13 most annoying statements or remarks that passengers say to Uber drivers, what they are and what a driver should say in response to it!! If you’re planning on joining Uber or Lyft, this review is for you. Knowing some of the stupidest statements that … Read more

10 Stupid Questions Passengers Ask Rideshare Drivers!

Mexican driver looking at the directions of a passenger while on a ride-share service car

With this short review, I plan on uncovering the top 10 most stupidest questions passengers ask their Rideshare drivers on any given day on the road!! They say that when you have a question and/or you need to know something, you’re supposed to ask it right? They also say that it doesn’t matter how smart … Read more

How A Rideshare Driver Should Handle Big And Tall Passengers Who May Not Have Enough Space!

Tall woman executive getting out of luxury car while talking on phone in downtown New York City

With this really short review, I’ll be covering how a professional Rideshare driver should accommodate or handle big and tall passengers as well as what a big and tall passenger should know and do when ordering a Uber ride. No matter what the reason is, sometimes we all could use a little extra space or … Read more

Drivers Being At The Right Or Wrong Pick Up Address!

Mercedes-Benz Coupe parked on the street in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York, USA. Trees, Road and Sidewalk are in the image. Canon EOS 6D (full frame sensor) DSLR and Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS lens.

With this review, I plan on discussing Rideshare drivers arriving at either the right pickup address or the wrong pickup address, why this happens and how to prevent this from happening to you. It’s time to get some sort of understanding from these unaware passengers concerning why they don’t see their driver! How many of … Read more

Rideshare Drivers Extending Rides For Passengers!

Close-up of an unrecognizable woman using the Uber App on her Lenovo A916 smartphone in a Renault car. Uber mobile app allows consumers with smartphones to submit a trip request which is then routed to Uber drivers who use their own cars.

With this review, I plan on covering what “extending rides” is and what you should know concerning “extending rides” as a professional Rideshare driver. Everyday as employers, employees, business owners, investors and private contractors we find ourselves trying to go the “extra mile” for customers. Who doesn’t want to see their customers happy? I mean, … Read more

Unmatch Rider Why It Works/Doesn’t Work!

Passenger is sitting on the back seat of the car and using smart phone app to rate a driver. Taxi or modern peer to peer ridesharing concept

With this review, I’ll be talking about Rideshare companies unmatching or unpairing riders with Rideshare drivers, what it means and why the rating system doesn’t work! Who really likes working with passengers or drivers they dislike or had a problem with in the past? Nobody for the most part right? Well that’s why these Rideshare … Read more

13 Reasons Why I Love Driving The Graveyard Shift!

Night drive from car view

With this review, I plan on discussing why I love driving the graveyard or overnight shift as a Rideshare driver and it’s benefits! Everybody has a preference right? Some drivers love driving the morning shift, some enjoy the afternoons, while some others like myself enjoy driving overnight. Now some of you folks might be asking … Read more

How To Avoid Becoming An Accessory To A Crime As A Rideshare Driver

Young African Businessman Chased By Police While Driving Car

In this review, we will be covering Rideshare drivers becoming accessories to crime, what an accessory is and how a driver can avoid these types of unfortunate circumstances! Now before I begin, I would first like to ask you guys a few questions. Who really believes it’s okay to be guilty by association? Especially when … Read more

Talking On The Phone When You Want Or Need To As A Rideshare Driver

uber driver on his phone on the Uber app

In this review, I plan on discussing the benefits of talking on the phone when you want or need to as a Rideshare driver! I bet you guys already figured that I love talking and expressing myself by now right lol? So if you did figure that I like to talk, you’re absolutely right! But … Read more

The Importance Of Rideshare Drivers Allowing Passengers To Use Their Trunk Space!

Full car trunk with a camping equipment and a Yorkshire Terrier dog wearing sunglasses ready for a vacation

In this review, my intention is to emphasize the significance of Rideshare drivers permitting passengers to utilize their trunk space. With every job comes certain requirements right? Maintenance requirements, communication requirements, qualification requirements and in this case, space requirements lol! That being said, I now need all of my professional drivers to say goodbye to … Read more