With this really short review, I’ll be covering how a professional Rideshare driver should accommodate or handle big and tall passengers as well as what a big and tall passenger should know and do when ordering a Uber ride. No matter what the reason is, sometimes we all could use a little extra space or support right? It could be because of the amount of people you brought along for the journey, someone having too many bags, you being a little too tall or because you just might be a little overweight. Either way, you might be needing a little more space than usual or than what your average person normally needs which is what I aim to help you with by writing this little review.
Do you know of anyone who may be tall on purpose? Do you know of anyone who’s trying to be overweight because it’s a new thing? I’m asking these crazy questions to prepare you for this next statement I’m about to say.. That being said, no passenger is intentionally trying to not fit in your car when you arrive at their pickup address lol. Maybe the passenger never got in a vehicle that’s your size before. Maybe the passenger never thought about it! But hopefully I’ll create some understanding on both ends by writing this short, very much needed review. My biggest goal is to inform not only the drivers, but the passengers as well on ordering the right size vehicle and how to prepare themselves for doing just that..
Here at #1RideShareDoc, I’m all about sharing my personal story and 6 years of personal experiences with you concerning this broad Rideshare driving industry. Let’s talk and relate about not having enough space when ordering your Uber and/or Lyft rides. Maybe I could share something with you that could help make your rides more comfortable and the same thing goes vice versa! Let’s talk about the things that these Rideshare companies like Uber, Lyft, Via and Sidecar, aren’t talking about. Let’s make the world aware of all the trials and tribulations that we go through while using these transportation services. Ready? Let’s begin..
This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:
What Is A Big/Tall Passenger?
What Should A Big/Tall Passenger Keep In Mind Or Do Before Ordering Their Lyft Ride?
What Should A Driver Do Beforehand To Prepare For Big And Tall Passengers?
Is It Okay To Bring More Passengers Than Allowed/Seat Belts?
My Professional Conclusion

What Is A Big/Tall Passenger?
A big and tall passenger in my opinion would be considered a passenger who’s really tall as far as height goes or is really heavy as far as their weight is concerned. So in other words, a big and tall passenger would be considered a person who doesn’t fit in all normal circumstances like for example, a person fitting under a door way when walking, fitting into a car when getting in or fitting into a chair when sitting down. Your average person normally fits into these three case scenarios without any problems.
Even if you were a little tall or overweight, fitting in wouldn’t be an issue. But for the person who’s too tall or maybe a little too over weight might be a different story. I don’t want to give you a description based on what a normal height or weight is supposed to be because everyone’s built differently. Not to mention the fact that I’m not a doctor! If I did try to give you a common height because I wouldn’t be able to give you a common weight since we all like to eat lol, I would have to say anywhere from five to six feet would be considered a normal height for a man or women.

What Should A Big/Tall Passenger Keep In Mind or Do Before Ordering Their Lyft Ride?
First of all, a passenger who’s too tall or who may be a little overweight (which isn’t the issue most of the time!) should always keep in mind that every car is made differently. Especially when ordering a regular uberX or Lyft ride which would both be considered 4 seater vehicles. Just because you were able to fit in one Uber drivers four seater, doesn’t mean you’re necessarily going to fit into the next Uber drivers vehicle.
So to make this whole process a lot easier for you to understand when it comes to your preparation, I’ve come up with a few tips that you should keep in mind when ordering your next Uber or Lyft ride. A passenger should always keep the following tips in mind:
1.) Your Height/Weight: If you’re pushing a little closer to the 6-ft mark when referring to how tall you are, then having a little leg room should be your biggest focus when ordering your Uber or Lyft ride. That’s if you want to be able to feel your legs once the ride is completed. Your weight would also matter, especially if you’re traveling with other folks who may also be a little big and tall or when combined with the next tip I’m about to share with you on this list!
2.) Health Conditions: If a passenger is facing a few health conditions (like back, leg or knee pain for example) on top of being a little tall or overweight, combining these three traits together could make it even harder when getting in and out of your rideshare drivers vehicles. Keeping this in mind will definitely put you ahead of the game when ordering your next Uber or Lyft ride.
3.) How Many Passengers: You always want to keep in mind how many passengers you’re traveling with. There is a such thing as bringing along too many passengers! Not just when you’re big and tall, but for all other circumstances as well. Who really wants to have to sit partially on another passengers lap or across another passenger’s legs all because the amount of passengers coming along for the ride wasn’t taken into consideration?
4.) How Many Personal Items: Consider the amount of personal items coming along for the ride as well, especially when you’re taking chair space and/or leg room into consideration. You won’t have much leg or body room if you’re bringing along a bunch of bags, souvenirs and suitcases. Just a little something to keep in mind before you order your next ride!
5.) How Long Is The Trip: Knowing how long your trip might be could also aid you in choosing the right size ride. As a matter of fact, knowing this type of information could motivate you to choose the right size vehicle lol. I know it would for me! Who really wants to be cooped up in a four-seater for 2 hours with three 6 foot, 300 pound, 50 year old men? Sounds like someone is just begging for cramps lol!
6.) What Ride To Order: Now that you know and have all the right tips to keep in mind, it’s now time to order your next Uber or Lyft ride! And to keep the ordering process simple whether you’re ordering from Lyft or Uber, you could either choose a four-seater which is normal or an XL ride which fits up to 6 people. Now here’s some friendly advice for my big and tall passengers. If I were you (because I am a little big myself), I would always choose the XL option.
Especially if I’m bringing extra people or belongings along for the ride. When going with this option, you’ll never have to worry about leg room, if you’re bringing too many passengers or if you just might be a little too overweight to fit in the vehicle. It might cost you a few extra bucks! But in the long run, you’ll have peace of mind which is all that should matter!

What Should A Driver Do Beforehand To Prepare For Big And Tall Passengers?
Now even though it would be nice to have more than one way of preparing for passengers who may be a little big and/or tall, sadly I only have one. But this one form of preparation tends to work for all passengers for the most part! I’ll tell you why I said that in a second. lol. So the one option that a professional Rideshare driver could exercise to accommodate passengers whether they’re too tall or little overweight, is adjusting the front seats. Moving the right front passenger seat all the way forward including the back part of the seat could give a tall, heavy set person enough room to not only kick their feet around, but to also cross their legs if they chose to.
From my 37,000 rides of experience, this works for most tall passengers! Now I said that doing this works for most people who are tall because most people are just tall lol. That’s it! Now it would be an even bigger problem and a different story if the passenger your picking up is not only 6’2, but also 380 pounds, pushing 60 years old and has a really bad back. I’ve actually had passengers that could sit down in my car, but couldn’t get their legs in my car due to their plus size body frame. Not to mention them being elderly! So even though there’s not much for a Rideshare driver to do when preparing for a plus size or tall passenger, adjusting the seats would definitely take you and your passenger a long way!

Is It Okay To Bring More Passengers Than Allowed/Seat Belts?
Whether your driving for yourself or for the public, it’s never okay to have more passengers in a vehicle than seat belts available. So in other words, when you have a vehicle that has a total of five seat belts, you should only have five individual passengers sitting in that vehicle at once. There shouldn’t be six passengers, nor should there be eight. Following these rules ensures that all passengers are not only comfortable, but also have enough space to stretch and move about as needed..

My Professional Conclusion
In conclusion, I would like to say that it would always a good idea to have in mind the type of space you may need as a passenger before deciding to order your Uber or Lyft ride. Now even though weight tends to not play a part in a passenger fitting in a Rideshare driver’s vehicle comfortably, it can surely play a part when coupled with a passengers age, height and health conditions. So if you’re pushing 6 feet in height, you’re 50 years old, you have back pain and you’re overweight by at least 25 pounds, plan on bookmarking this article for future references.
You never know when you might find yourself in a small or tight situation. Now that you know some things to keep in mind before you order your next ride, you can hopefully avoid those tight situations while also passing on some of these recommendations to a tall or heavy set passenger in need. When everyone’s comfortable and has enough space to stretch and/or breathe, everyone’s happy right? I thought you all would agree..
Now that we’re nearing the end of another fantastic review, I would now like to know what’s on you guys minds? Do you have any more suggestions to add to what a Rideshare driver could do to accommodate big and tall passengers? Do you disagree with what I said when it pertains to what a big and tall passenger is? Well whether you do or don’t, I would love to hear what’s on your beautiful minds. Please feel free to leave your stories, thoughts, comments and concerns at the bottom of this review and I will be sure to respond back to you promptly.
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