8 Reasons For Why Your Uber Driver’s On The Phone!

Cropped shot of a man using his phone while driving

With this really short review, I plan on uncovering my personal top 8 reasons for why a Rideshare driver may be on their phone or electronic device before, during or after a ride is completed! How many of us have ever gotten into a Rideshare driver’s vehicle only to realize that the Rideshare driver was … Read more

5 Reasons For Why Your Uber Driver Is Sitting Still Or Not Moving At All!

Irresponsible man checking message with smartphone in traffic. Dangerous driving.

With this short review, I plan on covering my 5 top reasons for why your Rideshare driver is sitting still or isn’t driving towards a passengers pickup address! Now let me say first that there may not be a reason or excuse for everything. But I can promise you for certain that there are a … Read more

14 Annoying Statements That Passengers Say To Uber Drivers!

And annoyed driver and passenger going back and forth!

With this short review, I plan on uncovering the top 13 most annoying statements or remarks that passengers say to Uber drivers, what they are and what a driver should say in response to it!! If you’re planning on joining Uber or Lyft, this review is for you. Knowing some of the stupidest statements that … Read more

How A Rideshare Driver Should Handle Big And Tall Passengers Who May Not Have Enough Space!

Tall woman executive getting out of luxury car while talking on phone in downtown New York City

With this really short review, I’ll be covering how a professional Rideshare driver should accommodate or handle big and tall passengers as well as what a big and tall passenger should know and do when ordering a Uber ride. No matter what the reason is, sometimes we all could use a little extra space or … Read more