With this short review, I plan on covering my 5 top reasons for why your Rideshare driver is sitting still or isn’t driving towards a passengers pickup address! Now let me say first that there may not be a reason or excuse for everything. But I can promise you for certain that there are a few reasons for why your rideshare driver isn’t heading towards your pick up address. So if you’re a passenger and you’ve been having this question bothering you for some time, then it’s time to get some answers. If you’re a driver, it’s time for some understanding to take place from these passengers.
Wouldn’t you just love for passengers to have a more clearer understanding on why their Lyft app is showing their driver not driving towards their pickup address? Wouldn’t you just love to stop receiving those good old “where are you” or “it looks like you’re not moving” text messages or phone calls? Well that’s exactly what I’m aiming to achieve by writing this short review! Let’s kill this unnecessary frustration by creating a necessary understanding. Here at #1RidesShareDoc, I’m all about sharing my 6 plus years of personal experiences with you concerning this crazy Rideshare industry.
This includes discussing and relating about the good topics as well as discussing and relating about the bad topics. With almost 40,000 completed rides, I feel like I’m the perfect guy to talk to and/or relate to. There are a lot of different issues to discuss that involve Rideshare driving that these Rideshare companies aren’t talking about. Rideshare companies like Uber, Lyft, Via and Sidecar just to name a few! Allow me to prepare you for what’s ahead of you and more importantly behind you!
This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:
What Do I mean When I say That The Driver Isn’t Moving?
5 Top Reasons For Why Your Uber Drivers Not Moving!
What Should A Passenger Do When It Seems Like Their Driver Isn’t Moving?
Could The Driver Be Messing Around Or Wasting Time?
My Professional Conclusion
What Do I Mean When I Say That The Driver Isn’t Moving?
Normally when the passenger orders a ride, they can see their driver moving in real time towards their pickup location. The passenger can see the street the driver is located on, how far the driver is as far as miles are concerned and their estimated time arrival (ETA). But when circumstances like these present themselves, the passenger won’t see any updates. Updates regarding ETA’s and updates regarding exact locations of where the driver might actually be don’t exist.

5 Top Reasons For Why Your Uber Drivers Not Moving!
Now I would like to present to you guys some of my personal reasons for why your Uber driver may seem to not be moving on the map upon ordering your ride. These reasons or excuses include but are not limited to:
1.) Not Having A Good Wi-Fi Or Internet Connection: This by far is the biggest reason for it seeming like the driver isn’t moving upon ordering an Uber or Lyft ride. When the driver doesn’t have a good internet connection, it can seem like the driver isn’t making any progress on the passengers end simply because the driver’s whereabouts are not being traced. This can also happen on the passengers end when the passenger doesn’t have an internet connection, which could also stop the passenger from receiving updates on the driver’s whereabouts.
When this happens, it’s almost like the Rideshare driver or passenger having their phone service turned off directly after ordering or receiving a ride request. So make sure that your electronic device has a good internet connection first before attempting to reach out and make contact with your driver. The driver could already be sitting out front of your pickup address!
2.) The Driver Is Finishing Their Last Ride: Another major reason for why it may seem like the Lyft driver isn’t moving could be because the driver is finishing up their last ride request. Passengers often need help with bags and other personal items, which sometimes require a little assistance from the driver. Especially for my elderly and disabled passengers. That said, keep this in mind before deciding to reach out to your driver concerning their whereabouts and put yourself in the other passengers shoes when it comes to needing some extra help.
3.) The Driver Had An Emergency: Another huge reason for why it may seem like an Uber driver isn’t moving or making progress to a passengers pickup address might be because the driver had an important emergency. This emergency could have been something weather related, something that involved having an accident with another vehicle, having a personal serious medical issue or possibly having to clean up after a previous passenger.
That said, it’s completely out of the driver’s control to know exactly what, when, where and how an emergency situation might take place. We just have to learn to expect the unexpected. And when I say we, I mean drivers and passengers! That’s why it’s always good to text or call your driver when you’re not sure what’s going on.
4.) The Driver Accepted The Ride By A Mistake: Now even though this doesn’t happen often, it does happen from time to time. Especially if that particular driver had a goal as far as ride count or a certain dollar amount they were looking to make for that day or week like myself! That said, check out my review “Which Is Better: Completing Short Rides Or Longer Rides” for a better understanding of why a driver may not accept certain rides. This particular review goes hand in hand with why your driver may be sitting still and not driving towards your pick up location.
5.) The Drivers G.P.S Isn’t Working Properly: Another humongous reason for why it may seem like an Uber driver isn’t moving or making progress towards a passengers pickup address might be because the drivers GPS isn’t working properly. When the driver’s GPS isn’t working properly, your driver doesn’t know where to go PERIOD! That said, sometimes even with a good internet signal, a driver’s GPS doesn’t work properly. This sometimes happens because of the area a driver may be working in. Especially if that particular area has a lot of hills and trees! When this happens the passenger isn’t the only one that’s not going to be happy.
Trust me when I say that! This would also mean that the driver isn’t making the money they could have been making, which is nobody’s fault at the end of the day! Like I said when it comes to a driver having an emergency, we (drivers and passengers) just have to learn how to expect the unexpected and prepare ourselves accordingly because at the end of the day, it’s nothing a driver can do to prevent this from happening. Texting and/or calling a minute or so after noticing your driver not moving is about it!

What Should A Passenger Do When It Seems Like Their Driver Isn’t Moving?
There are a few things that a passenger could do when it seems like their Rideshare driver isn’t moving toward their pickup location. Keep these steps in mind whenever you experience your driver seeming stuck, lost or like there experiencing some sort of navigation issue:
Step 1: The first thing a passenger should do when it seems like their driver isn’t moving or making progress towards their pickup address, is relax. Understand that your driver isn’t trying to make you upset or late for what you may have planned for the day.
Step 2: The next thing for a passenger to do is check their internet or wifi connection. Since all electronic devices operate off of an internet signal, understand that without an internet signal your map won’t be able to refresh or update in a timely fashion!
Step 3: The next thing for a passenger to do is to try restarting they’re electronic device. Doing this can speed a passenger’s phone up, especially if the passenger had a bunch of apps or other programs running in the background. You know, like social media apps or YouTube. The less programs running, the better your Rideshare app will function.
Step 4: The next thing for a passenger to do is text the driver a short message asking them if everything is ok as far as navigation goes? Texting a driver first versus calling is always better because it gives the driver time as well as the passenger time to assess what the problem might really be.
Step 5: The next thing for a passenger to do is to try calling the driver. Especially when a driver hasn’t responded to the passengers text message or pick-up note.
Step 6: Last but not least, the last thing for a passenger to do is cancel and order a new ride. Especially if it’s been more than a minute of it seeming like the driver is moving. Waiting 5 minutes or more to cancel the ride could get you charged a cancellation fee!

Could The Driver Be Messing Around Or Wasting Time?
I hate to be so honest with passengers when I say what I’m about to say next! But my professional answer to this question would be yes your driver could be simply lollygagging or messing around when you see them not moving on the map. In other words drivers (myself included!) sometimes use those short moments between rides to take care of personal business including making personal phone calls or taking a bite from a sandwich. That’s why it’s important to text and call the driver after a minute or two of not receiving a response.
Sometimes when the driver isn’t answering the passengers text, pickup notes or phone calls (especially when the driver doesn’t answer!), they’re just messing around. But this in my humble opinion is rare, especially since the majority of us started Rideshare driving to make money. The last thing any professional driver would want to do is purposefully waste time and I’ll leave you with that!

My Professional Conclusion
To conclude this really short review, I would like to say that it’s always a good idea to try to understand a situation from both sides. That way when things don’t go the way a driver or passenger wanted them to, it can be a little easier accepting and planning better for next time. Especially when referring to Rideshare driving and why you’re driver may not be making progress towards your pickup address. Situations like these should never be taken personal. Instead reflect back on this article, read my five reasons for why your driver may not be moving and reach out to your driver if nothing else. If worse comes to worst (after a minute or two!), cancel the trip and order another ride.
Waiting 5 minutes or longer to do so could cause you to be charged a cancellation fee. Now as far as my professional Rideshare drivers go, try not to take it personal when your passenger is calling or texting you trying to figure out exactly where you’re located and if you’re still on your way. No one’s trying to rush you! Especially if the passenger has already made it clear to the driver that their map is frozen or isn’t updating in a timely fashion. Remind them of what was mentioned in this review concerning what a passenger should do when it seems like their driver isn’t moving and things should turn out just fine!
Now that we’re at the end of another great discussion, I would love to know how you guys feel about your driver’s sitting still or not making progress towards your pickup location. What do you do when you notice your driver not making progress towards your pickup location? Do you agree with the steps I’ve listed on what to do when you find yourself in a situation like this? Do you have anything to add when it comes to a reason why a driver may not be making progress towards a passengers pickup location?
Well whether you do or don’t have anything to add, I would love to hear what’s on your minds? If you have something that you would like to say or add to this review, please feel free to leave those kind words at the bottom of this review and I will be sure to respond back to you promptly.
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