8 Reasons For Why Your Uber Driver’s On The Phone!

With this really short review, I plan on uncovering my personal top 8 reasons for why a Rideshare driver may be on their phone or electronic device before, during or after a ride is completed! How many of us have ever gotten into a Rideshare driver’s vehicle only to realize that the Rideshare driver was totally busy and focused completely on their phone? How many of you passengers ever wondered why some Uber or Lyft drivers are constantly handling their cell phones or electronic devices during the ride? This not only includes when the passenger stepped into the Rideshare driver’s vehicle, but also when the passenger is exiting the driver’s vehicle as well!

That being said, there are so many reasons for why an Uber driver might be on their phone, that it can sometimes not make any sense. When I say that, of course I mean for the passenger and not for the driver. But this is very understandable right? Especially since handling your phone while driving is considered by law to not only be very dangerous, but also a serious traffic offense. Let me say that now before I go any further lol! Having said that, drivers are constantly finding themselves experiencing technical difficulties that passengers seem to not understand or care about. From the driver’s electronic device not working properly, to the driver having other important matters to take care of.

Many drivers actually have lives outside of Rideshare driving which also means that the driver could be trying to handle other personal important matters while completing rides. I’m not saying that doing this is ok either by the way. Remember that it’s not what you do, but how you do it! There’s a time and place for everything for the most part lol. But hopefully by me writing this short review, I can create some sort of understanding on the passengers end. And having some sort of understanding is better than having no type of understanding right? I knew you would agree..

Here at #1RideShareDoc, I’m all about sharing my personal experiences concerning this scary, insane Rideshare industry! Especially when referring to drivers being on their phones all the time. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten into an Uber ride only to be greeted by my driver being on the phone, which I sometimes find to be a little rude and disrespectful. But I’ll talk more about that in just a sec. That said, let’s discuss the topics that these Rideshare companies aren’t talking about. Rideshare companies like UberLyftVia, Alto and Sidecar just to name a few! Allow me to prepare you for what’s ahead of you and more importantly behind you!

This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:

What Do I Mean When I Say That The Drivers On The Phone?
When Is It Okay For A Driver To Be On The Phone?
When Is It Not Okay For A Driver To Be On The Phone?
My Top 8 Reasons For Why Your Uber Driver Is Always On The Phone!
Do Rideshare Companies Allow Drivers To Be On Their Phones When Picking Up And Dropping Off Riders?
What Should A Passenger Do When Noticing Their Driver Constantly Handling Their Phone?
My Professional Conclusion

What Do I Mean When I Say That The Drivers On The Phone?

When I’m referring to a Rideshare driver being on their phone, I basically referring to the driver either talking on their phone, constantly texting on there phone or constantly handling there phone for other personal reasons. Even though there are other reasons for a driver being on their phone, these two reasons are the most common by far for me! Especially when it comes to drivers talking on their phones. So when is it okay for a Rideshare driver to use their phone you ask? I’ll be happy to answer that question next..

When Is It Okay For A Driver To Be On The Phone?

Now this would be a crazy question to ask, especially if the driver is all about practicing safe driving. That said, it’s never okay for a Rideshare driver to be on their phone. Let me say that first! The only time I would say it’s okay for a Rideshare driver to be on their phone is when the driver isn’t completing a ride or when the driver is sitting still and not driving. This could be because the driver is on break, the driver had an emergency like a car accident or because the driver happens to be sitting at a really long traffic light. But other than that, it is never okay for a driver to be on their electronic device. Especially while operating their vehicle..

When Is It Not Okay For A Driver To Be On The Phone?

Now this would be another crazy question to ask, if you were to ask me! Especially if the Uber driver is all about practicing safe driving. That said, I want to reiterate again that it’s never okay for a rideshare driver to be on their phone. With this being the case, I feel as though it would also never be okay for a professional driver to talk on their phone while a passenger is present in their vehicle. This includes when a passenger is entering the drivers vehicle, while a passenger is riding in the drivers vehicle and when a passenger is exiting the driver’s vehicle.

Out of respect, I feel as though talking on the phone would only be acceptable if the passenger is okay with it. Otherwise a driver’s main focus should not only be on their passenger and their passengers needs, but also on the road as well. It’s also not a good practice for a Lyft driver to be on the phone when driving through heavily distracted situations like bad weather or congested traffic for example. And this is with or without a passenger being in the driver’s vehicle. Even if you don’t understand why, your passengers as well as other fellow drivers just might appreciate it!

Close-up Of A Person's Hand Sending Text Message By Mobile Phone While Driving Car

My Top 8 Reasons For Why Your Uber Driver Is Always On The Phone!

Now I would like to provide you guys with my top 8 personal reasons for why a Rideshare driver might be on their phone. But before I get started I would like to say that I created this list not to make excuses for any drivers. Instead I’ve created this short list to form some sort of understanding on a passengers end. Especially for my curious passengers. That said, you’re Rideshare driver might be talking on their phone or constantly handling their phone for the following reasons:

1.) Interacting With Passengers To Coordinate Plans And Logistics: Passengers sometimes reach out to drivers in efforts of giving them a heads up on where they’ll be exactly located or standing. That being said, your Rideshare driver could be on their phone for the sole purpose of locating their next pickup. Pick-up and drop-off details are not always clear!

2.) Remaining Updated And Knowledgeable: The weather is constantly changing and news reports are constantly coming in which could help prepare drivers for what’s ahead of them. Literally!! That being said, your Rideshare driver could be simply trying to stay informed and up to date on what’s happening on the road. Staying updated on things like traffic conditions, accidents, crime and so forth could all affect a driver and/or passenger’s travel..

3.) Taking Care Of “Vehicle” Emergencies: As professional Rideshare drivers we constantly find ourselves having unexpected emergencies that are related to our vehicles. It’s actually expected because we do a lot of driving which causes a lot of what mechanics refer to as “wear and tear”. That being said, your Rideshare driver could be talking on their cell phone in efforts of trying to get some sort of assistance from roadside assistance concerning their vehicle.

Especially if the problem the driver is having involves a slow leaking tire or if the driver is running low on gas for example. What else is a driver supposed to do when there’s no nearby gas stations?

4.) Reporting A Passenger: As Rideshare drivers, we sometimes find ourselves getting riders who may be a little belligerent, crazy or straight up dangerous. With that being said, your driver could be talking on their phone before and/or during your ride in efforts of trying to report their previous ride. Passengers who constantly break the rules should be reported and removed from the Rideshare platform immediately!

5.) Addressing Technical Issues Concerning The App: As Rideshare drivers, we’re constantly finding ourselves facing malfunction or connection issues with the G.P.S, Uber and the Lyft app. That being said, your driver could be talking on their phone before and/or during your ride in efforts of trying to report a technical issue that they may be experiencing with their app. These apps don’t always work which I’m pretty sure some of you drivers and passengers know already! From my experience, maybe only 70% of the time these Rideshare apps work. But it’s far from 100%!

6.) Managing Personal Affairs: Every driver has a personal life to live, including myself! That being said, your driver could be having an important conversation with a family member on the phone in efforts of trying to rectify something important within their personal life. Things like this can’t always be ignored and most emergencies don’t come with a heads up!

7.) Accepting New Ride Request: As Rideshare drivers, we constantly find ourselves accepting new ride requests while completing our current ride requests. That being said, your Rideshare driver could be operating or pushing buttons on their phone in efforts of trying to accept a new ride request. It’s the only way we have of maintaining our cash flow! Not accepting ride requests while completing a trip could leave the driver with nothing to do once the ride is completed.

8.) Fresh From A Break: I don’t know about other drivers when I say what I’m about to say next. But I do know that when I go on break and decide to have a conversation with a fellow family member or friend, the conversation tends to extend past my break time. Sorry but I love to talk lol! This can sometimes lead to me being on the phone upon a passenger entering my vehicle, especially when I’m trying to finish the conversation.

Do Rideshare Companies Allow Drivers To Be On Their Phones When Picking Up And Dropping Off Riders?

My answer to this simple question would be yes and no. I said yes because how else would Uber or Lyft expect us to know who we’re picking up. If drivers were expected to never touch or be on their phones, when would a driver be able to tap the pickup button once the passenger is in their vehicle? When would a driver be able to adjust their GPS periodically or as needed and tap the drop off button when the trip is completed? How else would drivers be able to communicate with not only their current passengers who are coming to their vehicles, but the next passengers as well when they’re reaching out to the driver or vice versa?

This is why I feel as though Rideshare companies allow their drivers to be on their phones. Anytime a driver decides to use their phone, it has to involve work and nothing else! Now I also said no to this question because there are actually laws against any and all drivers being on their phones while driving. Being on an electronic device while operating a motor vehicle is actually considered “distracted driving”, which means that whether Uber or Lyft says it’s okay or not, it’s illegal to talk, text or handle your phone while driving.

What Should A Passenger Do When Noticing Their Driver Constantly Handling Their Phone?

If a rider happens to notice their driver constantly handling their phones, then a rider should immediately say something to the driver. Let the driver know that you don’t feel comfortable with them constantly meddling with their iPhone phone. If the driver continues to text or do everything else on their phone besides operate the Rideshare app and/or GPS, give the driver a low rating and report their actions to the company. Safety is every ride share company’s top priority and it should also be a top priority for distracted drivers as well.

Cartoon African American Doctor

My Professional Conclusion

To conclude this short review, I would like to reiterate on the fact that it’s never okay for a Rideshare driver to use their phone unless it’s an emergency, there’s no passengers in the vehicle or the Uber driver has pulled over to the side of the road where they won’t be impeding traffic. That being said, if you’re a passenger who’s getting into a ride share drivers vehicle and you happen to notice your driver talking on the phone upon entering the vehicle, texting or handling their phone as the ride is being completed, say something.

If you’re one of those passengers who doesn’t feel comfortable saying something to the driver concerning them being on their electronic device, feel free to reach out to Uber, Lyft or whatever other Rideshare company the driver may be driving with. A passengers safety and well-being should be every drivers top priority and not a driver’s personal issues. If a driver’s personal issues are that serious, that driver should kindly go offline and allow that passenger to get a professional driver who knows how to get the job done with zero emergencies. Always keep in mind that passengers have places to go and people to see..

Now that we’re at the end of another great review, I would love to know what you guys have on your minds concerning why an Uber or Lyft driver’s on their phone. Do you agree with what I said concerning when it’s okay for a driver to be on their android phone and when it’s not okay for a driver to be on their android phone? Do you agree with one or more of my reasons for why a driver may be on the phone upon entering their vehicle? Well whether you do or don’t have anything to add, I would love to hear what’s on your minds? If you have something that you would like to say or add to this review, please feel free to leave those kind words at the bottom of this review and I will be sure to respond back to you promptly.

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