With this quick review, I plan on uncovering my personal top 13 reasons on why Rideshare drivers and passengers get deactivated when using the Uber or Lyft apps. No matter how hard we work, everyday someone’s getting fired from a job right? No matter what job it is and how hard that particular job may be! I guess it just comes with the territory of being an employee, employer, or in many of our cases a private contractor. Everyday can’t be a good day and as human beings were not perfect! Sometimes things happen that are out of our control. You know, like being late punching in, cursing someone out or calling out at the very last minute lol..
But why do Rideshare drivers get deactivated? What are some of the biggest reasons why rideshare drivers lose their jobs? I’m going to tell you now that the majority of the reasons on my short list will be coming from my own personal experiences. Not someone else’s! Some reasons will make absolute sense, while some others will be completely, understandably ridiculous. Especially since some of these things are naturally out of our control! So if you’re reading this and you’re a Rideshare driver who’s looking to avoid being deactivated, look at this review as a reminder and support guide.
Here at #1RideShareDoc, I’m all about sharing my personal story and almost 7 years of personal experiences with you guys concerning the Rideshare industry! Lets comfort one another when it comes to the reasons why drivers and passengers get deactivated. I know I’m not the only one who wants to help stop this vicious cycle of unfair account deactivations. Who wants to make the Rideshare community aware of what drivers and passengers are reporting? I know I do. Let’s talk and relate about the things that these Rideshare companies aren’t talking about! Rideshare companies like Uber, Lyft, Via and Sidecar just to name a few! Please allow your Rideshare doctor to prepare you for what’s ahead of you and more importantly behind you. Let’s begin!
This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:
What Does “Deactivated” Mean?
How Does The Deactivation Process Work? What Are The Steps?
My 13 Top Reasons Why Drivers And Passengers Get Deactivated!
What Can A Rideshare Driver Or Passenger Do When They Feel Like They’ve Been Deactivated Unfairly?
What’s The Best Way A Driver Or Passenger Can Prevent Themselves From Being Terminated?
My Professional Conclusion

What Does “Deactivated” mean?
The term “deactivated” is nothing more than a fancy term that Rideshare companies use to describe a driver/passengers app or account who they may have “placed on hold” or shut down completely from completing or ordering rides. The term is used to describe a driver or passengers account who they may have either temporarily suspended or permanently terminated from using their platform. This is normally done as a consequence to bad Rideshare drivers and passengers who repeatedly break the rules or constantly get reported by passengers or drivers for doing things they weren’t supposed to do. Drivers or passengers who are permanently deactivated from using a Rideshare platform are in other words “FIRED” while riders are in other words “banned”..
How Does The Deactivation Process Work? What Are The Steps?
When Rideshare drivers or passengers are being reprimanded for something they’ve done that may have been prohibited by a Rideshare company, there are actually a few steps that come first before a driver or passenger is permanently deactivated. Uber,Lyft and other Rideshare companies aren’t that cold or careless when it comes to their drivers and passengers right? Well maybe cold or careless with drivers. Just not with the passengers. I would now like to provide you guys with the steps to the deactivation process, which aren’t that many. The following 3 steps to the deactivation process are:

Step 1: Warning Email/Text Message: When a Rideshare driver or passenger is reported for doing something that may have been prohibited by a Rideshare company, the first step to the deactivation process of a person’s account is sending the individual a warning email, text and/or in-app message. The message will be stating that a violation was made or reported on your account and that serious actions will be taken if reports of that nature continue. When a driver or passenger does something that’s prohibited, you’re usually given one warning first before actions are actually taken against your account.
Well, unless an Uber driver or passenger happens to get reported for a different violation. Then there would be another separate warning depending on the severity of the alleged violation!
Step 2: Temporary Deactivation: When a Rideshare driver or passenger is reported for doing something that may have been prohibited by a Rideshare company, the next step to the deactivation process of a person’s account is to be temporarily deactivated which is also like when employees are placed on a short-term suspension. During this time period, the Uber driver or passenger won’t be able to use their account. So in other words if you’re a passenger, you won’t be able to order rides until the suspension is lifted and if you’re a driver you won’t be able to of course accept rides.
And depending on the regulation that was violated, suspensions can last anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks!
Step 3: Permanent Deactivation: When a Rideshare driver or rider is reported for doing something that may have been prohibited by a Rideshare company, the last and final step to the deactivation process of a person’s account is to permanently deactivate that Lyft driver or passengers account. Once a driver or passengers account is permanently deactivated, this means in a nutshell that the passenger or driver is completely and permanently banned from using Rideshare services and can no longer exercise or use the platform. Or at least when it pertains to the rideshare company the violation was committed with. But thank God there’s more than one Rideshare company!

My 13 Top Reasons Why Drivers And Passengers Get Deactivated!
Now I would like to provide you guys with 13 of my personal top reasons why I feel Rideshare drivers get permanently deactivated! Rideshare drivers get permanently deactivated for the following reasons:
1.) Drivers or Passengers Making Up Lies: Drivers and passengers who make up lies is up first on the list for a reason, which some of you might be able to guess why. Drivers and passengers making up stories is first on the list because a lot of times what the driver or passenger is being terminated for, never happened in the first place. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, adults lie. Especially passengers! As a matter of fact, they lie all the time! Keep in mind that I’ve been driving for Lyft and Uber for a little under 7 years and I have almost 40,000 rides between the both.
That being said, out of that entire time driving I’ve been reported at least 10 times for at least half the things that are on this list. Just something to keep in mind while going through the rest of my short list! That being said, it’s hard for anyone to avoid being reported for something.
2.) Continuously Canceling On Too Many Passengers: Drivers constantly cancelling on passengers could also lead to a driver’s account being temporarily suspended or permanently deactivated. To prevent this from happening, only cancel on passengers that really deserve to be canceled on. Like a drunk passenger for example. Especially when it involves your safety or peace of mind! When this is the case, always be sure to report the passenger before accepting your next ride. You always want to make the rideshare company aware of why you’re canceling. Especially when it’s a good reason!
3.) Constantly Showing Up Late: Drivers and passengers who constantly show up late for their passengers or drivers also could lead to a person’s account being temporarily suspended or permanently deactivated. To prevent this from happening, all you have to do is either accept your ride if you’re a driver or order your ride if you’re a passenger, only when you’re ready! But of course that statement can sometimes be a lot easier said than done.
4.) Being Intoxicated: Rideshare drivers and passengers who decide to show up intoxicated could also lead to either person’s account being temporarily suspended or permanently deactivated. Especially if a passenger is reported more than once! Now as far as the drivers are concerned, I believe you only get one chance to get reported. And that one chance given would depend on the severity of the report as a whole. It would also depend on what the passenger actually says and what they can actually prove! The same thing goes for the driver who’s making the report.
To prevent this from happening, always show up to your passenger or driver sober and clear headed, which also can be a lot easier said than done. Be sure to install a dash cam for further reassurance!
5.) Reckless Driving: Drivers who get reported for reckless driving could also lead to a driver’s account being temporarily suspended or permanently deactivated. 9 times out of 10 permanently deactivated, depending on where a drivers account already stands. And sometimes all it takes is one report of a driver driving recklessly, depending on how a passenger words their story! For a professional driver to prevent this from happening, always make sure you’re taking your time and not rushing anything. Even if the passenger says it’s okay to speed. It’s never okay to drive recklessly!
6.) Having Too Many Car Maintenance Issues: Drivers who constantly get reported by passengers for having car issues could also lead to a driver’s account being temporarily suspended. A lot of times being permanently deactivated doesn’t happen because having a car issue is usually an easy thing to fix. When I say easy, I mean either the driver simply fixes the issue they’re having with their vehicle and continues driving or the driver doesn’t drive at all and goes back to their regular day job. That being said, for an Uber driver to prevent having unexpected car maintenance issues, all the driver would have to do is stay up on their maintenance of their vehicle as the issues arise, versus waiting until the issue escalates to other parts of the car.
7.) Canceling On Passengers With Service Animals: Drivers who are reported more than once by passengers who have service animals for not taking the ride are permanently deactivated without question. Yes you’ve read that right! Especially if you receive more than one report. It doesn’t matter if the rider was telling the truth or not and it also doesn’t matter if the driver actually completed the ride or not. That said, I would give a driver a way to prevent this from happening. But to be totally honest with you guys, there’s absolutely no way to avoid being terminated for this reason unless the driver decides to install a dash cam or has a witness! Passengers have more power over the driver than we think!
8.) Having Too Many Verbal/Physical Altercations With Drivers/Passengers: Whether you’re a passenger or driver, having just one verbal or physical altercation alone is enough to be either temporarily suspended or permanently deactivated. Especially if your a driver who’s being constantly reported. Even if it didn’t happen! Rideshare companies take all reports seriously no matter what. To prevent this from happening, all the person can really do is do their best to be polite, quiet as possible and agreeable. As long as it’s not hurting or disrespecting you personally!
9.) Having Too Many Traffic Infractions/Violations: Drivers who constantly received traffic violations could not only lose their license, but also lead to a Rideshare driver’s account being temporarily suspended or permanently deactivated. And depending on the violation, permanently deactivated with no suspension. Especially if its a felony charge/violation! For a driver to prevent this from happening to them, you would simply need to follow the laws of the road which can be a lot easier said than done for most drivers. Drivers and road raging is real!
10.) Sexual Harassment: This has to be one of the most common accusations made against Rideshare drivers when referring to a driver being permanently deactivated. Suspensions don’t normally happen in case scenarios like these, which is quite understandable. But sadly the majority of passengers who report being sexually harassed by a driver are passengers who are just trying to get something for free or get over on the driver because the driver said or did something that they didn’t like. Passengers know that no one takes sexual harassment reports lightly, which is why this is the most commonly used accusation when it comes to getting a driver deactivated. Sadly there’s no way a driver can prevent this from happening unless the driver installs a dash cam or has a witness.
11.) Car Accidents: Getting into car accidents has to be one of the most innocent ways of a rideshare driver getting temporarily or permanently deactivated. Especially if a passenger was in the vehicle at the time of the accident and especially if the car accident was severe. And sadly there’s no real way to prevent a car accident from happening. If you drive and you drive a lot, then you stand a chance of having a car accident. So all you could do is prepare yourself by purchasing and installing a dash cam!
12.) Continuously Having A Very Low Acceptance Rating: Drivers who constantly miss ride requests that are being sent to their driver apps instead of accepting and completing them, could lead to a Rideshare driver’s account being temporarily suspended or permanently deactivated. To avoid this from happening, always make sure to only log on or “go online” when you’re ready to drive and only refuse rides when it involves your safety or peace of mind.
13.) Vandalizing Or Trashing The Driver’s Car: Riders who constantly get reported for leaving trash in a driver vehicle or vandalizing a driver’s vehicle could lead to a passengers account being temporarily suspended or permanently deactivated. Especially if the passenger vandalizes the driver’s vehicle! That said, for a passenger to prevent this from happening to themselves, always make sure to leave your the Uber driver’s car in the exact condition you found it and I’ll leave it at that!

To be totally honest with you guys, there’s not really much a driver or passenger can do when they feel like they’ve been deactivated unfairly other than first of all reaching out to the Rideshare company they were deactivated from. Depending on what happens, you would need to provide proof that whatever happened didn’t happen or that whatever happened was fixed and is now taken care of. All these Rideshare companies really care about is that you’re in compliance with their policies and regulations. Even if they sound ridiculous!
If you really care about being reinstated with a Rideshare company, you could also try getting yourself a lawyer and having the lawyer plead your case. Not saying that this would definitely work, even though it would be worth giving a try! Lastly, you could try reaching out and contacting this platform that goes by the name “Driverly“, which is a website that helps Rideshare drivers not only succeed on the road, but also with getting reactivated when being deactivated for unfair reasons. Signing up for their premium membership gives you exclusive access to their reactivation services. That being said, once your fully signed up and you’ve made your first payment they’ll handle everything from there so you don’t have to.

What’s The Best Way A Driver Or Passenger Can Prevent Themselves From Being Terminated?
Now there’s really only one thing for a rider or driver to do that could prevent themselves from being terminated from a ride share platform. That one thing is to bring a camera or recording device if you’re a passenger and if you’re a driver to have a nice working dash cam with audio recording abilities. A passenger or driver can say whatever they want concerning what the other person may have said or done that may have been prohibited. But cameras don’t lie! Sadly this is the only way I can think of when it boils down to a driver or passenger preventing themselves from being terminated. Especially if and when it involves a false accusation!

My Professional Conclusion:
To conclude this short review on why Rideshare drivers and passengers get deactivated, I would like to remind everyone again that no one’s perfect! People make mistakes all the time and that should be okay. But what’s not okay is making up lies on drivers or passengers just to get something for free or simply to get the person fired or deactivated from using the services. Not to mention the fact that when people make up lies about others to try to get what they want, it makes it even harder for the people who are actually making the reports due to something serious actually taking place.
When things like this happen, it’s always a good idea to have a dash cam or some sort of recording device in place. That way if a passenger or driver does try to lie on you you can protect yourself, your job or your daily ride to work. Be sure to also familiarize yourself with my short list, that way you’ll be prepared for when these situations present themselves because one day they eventually will. Even if it’s just a simple, minor, unexpected car accident. But you get my point.. Preparation is always key!
As I bring this short review to a close, would you guys happen to have anything that you would like to say or add concerning why drivers and passengers get suspended or deactivated (terminated)? Do you guys agree with my reasons on why drivers or passengers get deactivated? Well whether you agree or disagree, I would love to hear what you have to say. Please feel free to leave your stories, thoughts, comments and concerns at the bottom of this review and I will be sure to respond back to you promptly!
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