A Little Background About Mr. Hassan, Your RideShare Doctor:
This review will be about me (Mr.Hassan), your Rideshare doctor! I’m the proud owner of #1RideShareDoc and thank you for visiting my world of Rideshare driving. At the time of writing this review, I’ve been working as a rideshare driver ( Lyft/Uber/Via/Sidecar etc., but mainly with Lyft) full-time, for the past 6 years. Within those 6 years, I was able to complete over 34,000 rides with Lyft and counting. I know, that’s a lot of picking up and dropping off passengers. You don’t have to tell me lol. I’ve completed a few rides with Uber, but not enough to post a screenshot sorry..
I only joined Uber to learn how their system works as well, which is pretty much the same as Lyft. So I’m pretty sure you can imagine I’ve seen, helped, talked about, heard, and smelled it all lol! Or at least every time I think I have, it’s always that good’ole one passenger that shows me otherwise. I had my CDLs for a short while too, but chose to give that up after I showed myself first hand, that I could earn more money with rideshare driving, then I could ever earn driving buses or trucks.
Not to mention also having more flexibility. I also love and enjoy motivational speaking, which is also why I had to create this amazing, informative website. I want to bring the strength out of future drivers, when it comes to being safe and being the best of the best on the road. Let me motivate you. I just want to see you smile! Oh and I absolutely love driving, needless to say.

Who Introduced Me To Rideshare Driving?
Before Rideshare driving became my career, I wasn’t living my life the right way, which is a good way to put it. So while I was living my life on the other side of the fence, I bumped into a guy who started off as a loyal customer. Then as time went on, I started allowing him to come to my house, instead of meeting him at the spots where we would normally meet. We started hanging out after a few conversations and the rest is history!
As time went on, he would always give me friendly advice that would help me in the most amazing ways. He’s actually the reason why I’ve done a few meaningful things in my life, for the first time. He sold me my first car, he’s the reason I went to my first wedding (watched him get married), and he was the reason why I flew on a plane for the first time (to watch him get married), just to name a few.
There’s more, but I don’t want to make this too long. Then one day he recommended me to try out Rideshare driving, since it was making him and his ex-wife a decent living. I rejected his idea of me doing the same thing at first, until I did some research and found out how much your average rideshare driver was earning per year. And the rest is history. Thank you brother Bo!!

What Is Being A Rideshare Driver Like For Me?
Let me paint that picture for you. Being a rideshare driver for me is like being a police officer, without the gun or backup squad of course! That being said, everyday is exciting and you never know what you’re going to run into. Simple as that! So sometimes it can be a little confusing explaining how to prepare yourself for a job like this. Hopefully with this website, I’ve made it easy for you. I’ve provided plenty of details throughout this website on how to protect yourself and be the best you, when it comes to Rideshare driving.

Being a rideshare driver for me can sometimes also make me feel like a personal therapist, psychiatrist, teacher, preacher, advisor, coach, a babysitter, disciplinarian, and last but not least, a motivator. Sometimes all in one lol! I thought I signed up to be a Rideshare driver lol. That being said, I swear that doing this Rideshare thing, can and will expose things about yourself. Hopefully the good parts of yourself, wish I feel as though I was lucky enough to experience. I didn’t know I had this many skills though lol!
I don’t know what boat you fall in. But whatever you claim to be about, whether you claim to be tough, you claim to be a fighter, or you simply claim to not tolerate allowing anyone to eat in your car, these nonchalant, not giving a hoot Rideshare passengers will expose your true tolerance. So get ready to get to know or should I say, learn yourself better before joining any of these ( Lyft/Uber/Via/Sidecar etc.) Rideshare platforms. Keep in mind that these passengers are strangers. Scary, isn’t it? Don’t say the RideShare Pro didn’t warn you! So get ready to learn yourself better..

Why Did I Create #1RideShareDoc.com?
Now I know you might be asking yourself, why did he create this website? To brag about his experiences lol? Well to answer your question, I made a little list. I created this website for a few reasons.
My Top Reasons Why I Created #1RideshareDoc:
1.) I really want to help keep our Rideshare community safe. Driver’s and passengers!
2.) I want to make the public aware of all the trials and tribulations we go through, while driving for these Rideshare companies.
3.) I want to provide future rookie drivers with the details Rideshare companies aren’t talking about, and maybe don’t want you to know.
4.) I want to duplicate my success and see the road full of safe, successful Rideshare drivers.
5.) I want to turn my test, into a testimony!
Do I Plan On Retiring One Day?
Hell yeah I plan on retiring one day! I’m not going to wait until one of these crazy passengers stab me in the neck or the back, for not making an extra stop at their 3rd baby mamas house. I’m tough, but not that tough.

That Sums It Up Guys!
As you can see, I’m pretty boring when it comes to talking about myself. Sorry my story wasn’t longer than what you probably expected, or more exciting. I wanted to keep my story strictly about rideshare driving. Lord knows I could have told you more about my background of doing a lot of the wrong things, before I got to doing the right things.
Would you guys happen to have any questions or comments? If you do, I would love to hear them! Just take a few minutes to leave them in the comment section below, and I will surely respond as soon as possible. Thank you for reading and I’ll see you on my next review.
All the best,
Mr. Hassan, your Rideshare Doctor