With this review, I plan on discussing Rideshare drivers arriving at either the right pickup address or the wrong pickup address, why this happens and how to prevent this from happening to you. It’s time to get some sort of understanding from these unaware passengers concerning why they don’t see their driver! How many of my readers have a job that you go to every day that’s always easy to execute? I’m describing a job that’s free from tough days, order mishaps, product shortages, minimal assistance, malfunctioning equipment and/or tardy colleagues, just to give a few examples. To answer this easy question, I would have to say none of us have a job that’s always easy for the most part right? Even if you’re passionate about what you do, everyone has hard days which sometimes can’t be avoided.
That being said, if you have a job to do that’s not always easy to execute and can relate to what I’ve just stated so far, you should also be able to relate to what this article will be about, which is Rideshare drivers not showing up to the correct pickup address. Although this can often be an unintended mistake made by the driver, passengers seem to not always view it from this angle. But no one is perfect right? Especially when using these man-made devices that we have to use, depending on the type of work that we do. Speaking of man-made devices, that man-made device that we have to use as Rideshare drivers is something called a Lyft or Uber app and a GPS. And the GPS gets us in trouble and/or cursed out all the time, making our job hard as hell! But with this review, I aim to change that!
Here at #1RideshareDoc, I’m all about sharing my personal story and experiences with you guys concerning this dangerous, wild and crazy Rideshare industry. Things happen all the time on the road without any real explanation why, due to experienced drivers not sharing the details. But with this platform, I aim to change all of that! Let’s discuss the things that these Rideshare companies aren’t talking about. Rideshare companies like Uber, Lyft, Via and Sidecar, just to name a few. Let’s share our personal experiences as drivers and passengers so we can all learn and grow strong together. Let’s do what should have been done from the beginning when the Rideshare industry first came to the surface. Are you ready for something like that? Let’s begin!
This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:
What Would Be Considered A Right/Wrong Address?
What Can Cause A Rideshare Driver To Show Up At The Wrong Pick Up or Drop Off Address?
What Are Some Elements That Could Get In The Way Of Your Rideshare driver Showing Up At The Correct Pickup Address?
What Can A Rideshare Driver Do To Help Themselves Find The Right Address? How To Make Sure You’ve Entered The Correct Pickup Address?
Try Giving Your Driver A Heads Up!
My Professional Conclusion

What Would Be Considered A Right/Wrong Address?
To explain what a “right” or “wrong” address is, I would like to first start off by explaining what a “wrong” address is. A wrong address is an address that is at least 25-50 feet from the actual address. So if your passengers pickup location is at 3228 Dothan Road, but you’re sitting at 3268 Dothan Road, you’re completely at the wrong address in my book. When a Rideshare driver is at the “right” pick up address, this would mean in my book that either the driver’s directly in front of the address they’re supposed to be in front of or they’re a few houses down, but still within the 15-25 foot radius of the actual pick up address.

There are a few factors that could play a big part in a Rideshare driver showing up to the wrong pick up or drop off address. But before we get into that, I would first like to say that when a Rideshare driver does show up at the wrong address, it’s usually not because of the driver doing something wrong. It also usually has nothing to do with the drivers ethnic background or level of intelligence. So it would be nice if passengers would stop scorning drivers so much concerning this matter. When this does happen, it usually has something to do with a malfunction in another area which may include:

The Internet Connection: Having and maintaining a strong internet connection is very important to every Rideshare driver who’s showing up to a person’s business, job or place of residence. We’re nothing without it! When the Uber or Lyft app is experiencing internet connection issues, you’ll know for sure because nothing will seem to be working on your electronic device! Especially if your Rideshare or GPS app comes up completely blank. Oh your really in trouble now! That being said, how could the driver possibly locate the right pick up address now if they don’t have an internet connection, which the majority of the time is out of our control?

The G.P.S: Let me say first that no computer is perfect! It doesn’t matter what you were told or how much money you’ve spent! That being said, let’s just say that sometimes the GPS does what it wants to do instead of actually giving the driver simple directions. When the GPS decides to do what it wants to do, this could be anything from telling the driver to go up a one-way street, to telling the driver to stop somewhere that isn’t the actual pickup address. Sometimes the GPS can even seem like it’s wandering in space judging from the way the map turns and spins around when it’s supposed to be giving us directions.
Sometimes a GPS map comes up totally blank and doesn’t offer any type of directions at all! This happens sometimes without it having anything to do with having a bad internet connection. So just imagine the mayhem you would have been experiencing if it had something to do with the internet connection. Well imagine no further because you’d be lost, which could also explain why your driver may have shown up at the wrong pick up address!

The Uber or Lyft App: Again, computers are not perfect by a long shot! That being said, sometimes the Uber or Lyft app can do the same thing that the GPS app does when it’s not functioning properly. Signs of the app not functioning properly could include not being able to access the passengers name or picture, pick up address and other details concerning the ride such as pick up notes and/or text messages.

The Pick Up Location: That’s right ladies and gentlemen! Sometimes it’s the passengers pickup location that may explain the whole reason why your driver may have shown up at the wrong pickup address. That’s right, it’s the passengers fault we showed up at the wrong address! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve arrived at an apartment complex to an address that’s identical with an apartment number on the other side of the apartment building. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve I showed up to an address where there’s a gate code you have to have access to first before managing to even drive down that passengers street.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve showed up to addresses where there’s no access to the address from the front, but only from the rear or side! Oh, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve showed up to an address that’s the complete wrong address due to the customer putting in the wrong address. Giving your driver a heads up concerning these circumstances could dramatically change where your driver shows up to upon arrival.

There’s a few things that could get in the way of your Rideshare driver showing up to the correct address. Some of these elements might include:

Traffic: Sometimes something as simple as traffic could be the reason why your driver didn’t show up to the correct address or did not stop directly in front of your door! There is no possible way to stop when you have multiple cars behind you all trying to make it to the next light. That’s unless you don’t mind receiving a ticket from a traffic or law enforcement officer for impeding traffic.

Road Blocks/Street Closures: Sometimes a simple roadblock or street closure could be the reason why your driver didn’t stop directly in front of your pickup location or address. In case you didn’t know or may have forgotten, all drivers are required to follow traffic laws when driving on the road. So having to pickup a passenger on a road that is blocked or a street that is closed off wouldn’t be an exception to the rule, which has nothing to do with the driver’s personal decisions.

Accidents: Sometimes a simple car accident could be the reason why your driver didn’t stop directly in front of your pickup address. All drivers are required to go around and avoid any accidents that have occurred in the street. So if there was an accident on the street where your pickup address was located, don’t be surprised if you’re driver happens to show up at the top, the bottom or on another street that’s different from the street they were supposed to arrive to. Your driver is only trying to avoid interfering with authorities who may be trying to assist those who were involved in the accident or worse. Doing the opposite of this could actually get your driver in trouble!

Weather Conditions: Sometimes bad weather conditions can also play a part in your driver not showing up at the correct pickup address. When you have roads that are iced over or even worse flooded, this would make the perfect conditions for a driver to not show up directly in front of a passengers pickup address. Trying to show up to an address that’s been affected by weather conditions can not only stop your driver from showing up to the correct pickup address, but also stop them from driving completely, depending on how bad the circumstances are. Some weather conditions present circumstances that affect or interfere with your driver’s vehicle operating properly. Especially flood waters!

Having Nowhere To Stop Or Pull Over: Sometimes something as simple as not having anywhere to stop or pull over to can be the reason why your driver didn’t stop directly in front of the address they were supposed to pick you up at. When a driver isn’t able to stop where they’re supposed to stop, the only choice they may have left is to stop either before or after to pick up address. Desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures which would be a lot better than the driver just canceling on the passenger right?

Having The Wrong Pickup Address: Sometimes when a driver shows up to an address they weren’t supposed to show up to, it could be because the passenger entered the wrong pickup address into the app. So passengers should always double check their pickup address before finalizing their ordered ride!

Major Events: Sometimes when a driver isn’t able to stop at the passengers pickup location, it could be because of a major event taking place. When there’s a major event taking place, there tends to be someone out there in the roads directing traffic. When you have an individual or individuals in the road directing traffic, this makes it terribly hard to stop for a pickup or for a correct pick up address. The only way to counteract this would be for the passenger to already be outside ready for the driver when the driver arrives.
There are only a few things that the Rideshare driver can do to help find the right address when everything else is failing. Some of those things might include:

Calling The Passenger: Sometimes something as simple as calling the passenger can make locating the passengers address a much easier process. Especially when the GPS decides to stop working all together. The only problem you may face when contacting the passenger is the passenger not answering your call which is a bummer! It’s not like we’re the ones needing the ride right? Well that’s exactly how it sometimes feels especially when going the extra mile to try to locate the person who paid for it.

Look At The Mapping Of Your GPS: When a malfunction is occurring within the GPS or the Rideshare app, sometimes you can still look at the map itself and see exactly where you are and where you should be going. You can still see the street names, the street placements and exactly where you are. When using this information, you could easily locate at least the street that your passenger is located on. But that’s only if you’re willing to go the extra mile and actually think about where your passenger may be located.

Pay Attention To The Building Numbers/Home Addresses: Once you’ve located your passenger street by using the map that’s not working, you could simply look at the numbers on each apartment or house and locate the passenger’s address from there!

Ask Someone For Help: When a passenger decides to not answer the phone, you could always talk to someone walking down the street, a policeman or another motorist if you’re trying to speed up the process!

How To Make Sure You’ve Entered The Correct Pickup Address?
There are a few things you could do as a passenger when trying to make sure you’ve entered the correct pickup address. The first thing that you could do involves you double checking your addresses as you’re placing them in the Uber or Lyft app. Make sure that each number is exactly what it’s supposed to be as you type in each digit, as well as the correct spelling of the street name as you type in each letter. The next thing that you could do to help ensure you have entered the correct address involves you verifying with your driver what the pick up and drop off addresses are. Simply ask your driver upon entering their vehicle what they have as far as the pick up and drop off address goes and if everything sounds legit, then proceed with your ride. I don’t think it can get any easier and more simpler than that!

Try Giving Your Driver A Heads Up!
It’s never a bad idea to give your driver a heads up! You could be giving your driver a heads up because you have a lot of luggage that you might need assistance with or because you may be missing something that you’re supposed to have like a child safety seat for your baby. But in this case, when you’ve realized you’re in a situation that might pose as an obstacle or headache to your driver, give your driver a heads up! Especially if your pick up location is an address that might be identical to another address nearby or has a lot of traffic moving around it like crowds of people or other motor vehicles.
If your pickup location doesn’t have anywhere for your driver to stop or your pickup address has multiple pickup points like a business building, shopping center or Mall, these types of circumstances would also make for good reason to reach out and communicate with your driver. Providing any information concerning your pickup location could make things a lot easier for your driver to locate and accommodate you, making your pickup experience a lot smoother. Communication and understanding is always what it boils down to!

My Professional Conclusion:
In conclusion, I would like to say that when you’re working and doing business from your phone or any other electronic device for that matter, it’s never an easy peasy task. Computers aren’t perfect! And since we operate only from our electronic devices, there’re so many things that could get in the way of a driver showing up to the correct address. Like for example the Rideshare drivers electronic device losing a signal or that driver not being able to use a specific road due to a special event taking place or a car accident. So next time your driver shows up late or shows up to the wrong address, lighten up a bit and be sure to ask questions and offer directions. Try doing this first before assuming that your driver is dumb, doesn’t want to pick you up and/or doesn’t know what they’re doing.
And for my professional Rideshare drivers, make sure that you’re communicating and being as understanding as possible when your angry passenger who’s wondering where you are reaches out to you concerning your whereabouts. No passenger wants to intentionally make you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing or like you don’t know where to go. Or so I would hope! The passenger probably has a busy schedule and may not have realized you were heading to the wrong address until you actually reached the wrong address. But that’s understandable right? Isn’t it amazing to know that at the end of the day no one’s out to hurt the other?
So now that we’re nearing the end of another great review, would you guys have anything you would like to say concerning rideshare drivers arriving at the wrong pickup location? Do you have any suggestions that you would like to add on to my short list of suggestions that could help Rideshare drivers arrive at the correct pickup location? Well whether you do or you don’t, I would love to hear what’s on your minds. Please feel free to share your stories, thoughts, comments and concerns at the bottom of this review and I will be sure to respond back to you as soon as possible.
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