With this short review, I plan on uncovering the importance of passengers being ready for their pickups prior to actually ordering their ride. That being said if you’re a Rideshare driver, have you ever wondered why passengers order their Uber or Lyft rides prior to actually being fully ready to take the ride? Oh and if you’re a passenger, have you ever thought about some things that you should do or keep in mind prior to ordering your Uber or Lyft ride? Maybe a checklist that you could follow that could help you remember the things you may need before ordering your ride? If so, then this review is for you!
As Professional Rideshare drivers, we constantly find ourselves being told by passengers who are either late or running a little behind schedule to give them an extra 5 minutes to come downstairs. Passengers actually say a little more than that, which I’ll of course elaborate further on with some examples later in this review. That said, it is now time to nip these silly statements into bud by reminding these “running late” passengers of some things to keep in mind before ordering their next Uber or Lyft ride.
Here at #1RidesShareDoc, I’m all about sharing my almost 7 years of personal experiences with you concerning the Rideshare industry. We’re talking about discussing not just the good subjects, but the bad subjects as well. Let’s discuss the things that these Rideshare companies aren’t talking about! Companies like Uber, Lyft, Via and Sidecar just to name a few. Let’s help these passengers not only become more understanding, but more prepared as well when ordering their rides. Even though I love collecting cancellation fees lol, lets also help these passengers save some of their hard earned money. Shall we begin!
This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:
What Does “Being Ready” Mean?
What Types Of Statements Do Passengers Say To Drivers When They’re Not Ready?
What Should A Passenger Keep In Mind Before Ordering Their Next Ride?
What Shouldn’t A Passenger Have To Do After Ordering Their Ride?
What Happens When A Passenger Isn’t Ready For A Ride?
What Should A Passenger Do When They’re Not Ready For The Ride They’ve Ordered?
My Professional Conclusion

What Does “Being Ready” Mean?
Being ready in my book means that a passenger has everything they need and everything that they don’t need prior to ordering their Uber or Lyft ride. A passenger being able to head directly to the drivers vehicle immediately after they’ve arrived would be an example of a passenger “being ready” for they’re picked up. A passenger having to put their shoes and coat on immediately after the driver has arrived would be an example of a passenger not “being ready” for they’re picked up. It’s as simple as that!

What Types Of Statements Do Passengers Say To Drivers When They’re Not Ready?
Passengers say all sorts of stupid statements to drivers when claiming that they’re on their way to our cars. Keeping these statements in mind as professional Rideshare drivers could help drivers pinpoint when a passenger isn’t ready. This way you can make a better decision for yourself on whether you still want to take the ride or not. That said, some of those stupid, ridiculous statements that passengers say to drivers when they’re not ready are things like:
I’ll be out in 5 minutes: When a passenger isn’t ready for the ride they’ve ordered, a lot of times they reach out to their drivers asking for an extra 5 minutes to come downstairs.
I’m on the elevator: When a passenger isn’t ready for the ride they’ve ordered, a lot of times they reach out to their drivers in efforts of making them aware of them either waiting for the elevator or already being on the elevator.
You’re not supposed to be here this early: When a passenger isn’t ready for the ride they’ve ordered, they also say stupid things to the driver like “you got here fast” or you were scheduled to arrive a little later than what you’re arriving.
I’m going back up for my keys: When a passenger isn’t ready for the ride they’ve ordered, they tend to have to go back for items that they may have left behind.
Someone else is coming: When a passenger isn’t ready for the ride they’ve ordered, they sometimes send fake passengers (passengers who aren’t going along for the ride) to the car in efforts of stopping the driver from leaving or canceling the trip.
I’m just putting on my shoes and coat: When a passenger isn’t ready for the ride they’ve ordered, a lot of times they reach out to their drivers to make them aware of them putting on their shoes and coat. But in reality the passengers are still getting ready. Simple as that!

What Should A Passenger Keep In Mind Before Ordering Their Next Ride?
Every passenger should have a checklist of things that they should have and a checklist of actions that should have been already started and completed prior to ordering an Uber or Lyft ride. When referring to a checklist of items that a passenger should already have ready prior to ordering their ride, some examples of these items might include:
-Clothes (Shirt/Pants/Socks)
-Sun/Regular Glasses
-Hand Sanitizer
-Wallet/Purse/Book Bag
-Phone Chargers
-Food (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

What Shouldn’t A Passenger Have To Do After Ordering Their Ride?
This is going to be relatively easy to explain. With proper planning, a passenger shouldn’t have to do any of these things after ordering their ride:
1.) Look For Anything: Would you happen to be a passenger who’s lost something important like maybe your wallet or house keys shortly after ordering your Uber ride? If so then right now would be a little too late to figure out where you might have misplaced them! The best thing you could do is cancel the trip and order a new ride. Especially when the driver has just arrived or has been out front for less than 5 minutes.
2.) Put On Anything: Would you happen to be a passenger who’s feeling a little lost when it comes to what you want to wear? If so, then getting this figured out first should be your top priority before ordering your ride. No passenger should be looking for a missing watch or shoe string when their driver is on their way!
3.) Fix Anything: Would you happen to be a passenger who may have possibly broken something shortly after ordering your ride? If so, then right now wouldn’t be a good time to try and tighten those screws or glue the back paneling back together. The best thing you could do as a considerate passenger is cancel the trip and order a new ride!

What Happens When A Passenger Isn’t Ready For A Ride?
If a passenger happens to order a ride that they’re not ready for, then what could happen is the Rideshare driver could end up canceling the ride which would leave the passenger with not only a missed ride, but also a small cancellation fee. Especially if it takes the passenger 5 minutes or more to make it to the driver’s vehicle.

What Should A Passenger Do When They’re Not Ready For The Ride They’ve Ordered?
When a passenger isn’t ready to take the ride they’ve requested, a passenger should immediately be ready to do one of two things. The first thing that a passenger should immediately be ready to do when they’re not ready for their ride is call the driver and make the driver aware of them needing a few extra minutes to get ready. Sometimes drivers are willing to wait while some other times drivers don’t have the patience. The only way to find out if your driver will wait for you or not is by contacting them via pick-up note, text message or phone call. I suggest calling the driver because the driver may not see your text message in time.
The last thing that a passenger should immediately be ready to do when they’re not ready for the ride they’ve ordered is cancel the ride and order a new one. Especially if the Rideshare driver hasn’t responded to your text message or phone call and it’s already been 2 minutes of them sitting out front waiting. Immediately canceling the ride and ordering a new one allows the passenger to not only have another ride already on it’s way in a timely fashion, but also avoid the cancellation fee!

My Professional Conclusion:
So to conclude this really short review, I would like to say that it is very important that passengers only order their rides when they’re ready to walk out the front door and not when they still have things to do that pertain to them getting ready. If you’ve already ordered your ride and you still have your shoes and coat to put on, you’re not ready to order your ride as of yet. If you still need to comb your hair, put on your hat or brush your teeth, you’re also not ready to order your ride as of yet. As a matter of fact, let’s conclude this short review by taking a look at what the word “ready” means.
The word “ready” means to be prepared or to be in a state of readiness for a particular thing, situation or action. That said, a passenger would be considered “unprepared” or “ill-prepared” when they find themselves still needing to get things done after ordering their Lyft ride. A passenger would be considered “ready” or “prepared” when they have nothing left to do after ordering their Lyft ride. There are no in-between’s here when referring to a passenger being ready or not being ready. Either you’re ready to go or you’re not!
Now that we’re nearing the end of another great review, I would love to know how you guys feel concerning passengers being ready prior to ordering their Uber or Lyft rides! Do you agree with some of the things I’ve recommended to passengers as far as the things they should do that should be added to their checklist before ordering their next ride? Maybe you disagree with something that I might have said. Well whether you do or don’t, I would love to hear what’s on your minds. Please feel free to leave your stories, thoughts, comments and concerns at the bottom of this review and I will be sure to respond back to you promptly!
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