With this short review, I plan on uncovering the top 13 most annoying statements or remarks that passengers say to Uber drivers, what they are and what a driver should say in response to it!! If you’re planning on joining Uber or Lyft, this review is for you. Knowing some of the stupidest statements that a passenger might say to a Rideshare driver has it’s advantages too! A Uber driver would first know exactly what to expect when referring to something crazy that a passenger might say and secondly, you would know exactly how to respond to those crazy statements once the smoke settles.
Here at #1RideShareDoc, I’m all about sharing my personal story and on the road stories, especially if it relates to the Rideshare driving industry. Passengers present Rideshare drivers with crazy statements every day where drivers may find hard to reply to. But by making you guys aware of some of those crazy, ridiculous statements, I’m aiming to change that! Let’s chat and relate about the things that these Rideshare companies aren’t talking or relating about. Rideshare companies like Uber, Lyft, Via and Sidecar just to name a few. Let’s make sharing our personal experiences our top priorities when it comes to these Rideshare giants, starting today!
What Do I Consider To Be An Annoying Or Ignorant Statement?
Rideshare Drivers Finding Themselves In Heated Moments!
What Passenger Would Be More Likely To Say Something Annoying To A Rideshare Driver?
When Might A Passenger Make An Annoying, Stupid or Crazy Remark Towards A Rideshare Driver?
Why Do Passengers Make Annoying Statements or Remarks To Rideshare Drivers?
My Top 14 Annoying Statements Passengers Say To Rideshare Drivers!
What To Say Or Do When Nothing Else Can Be Said Or Done With An Annoying Passenger?
My Professional Conclusion
This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:
What Do I Consider To Be An Annoying Or Ignorant Statement?
If you were to ask your Rideshare doc, I would say that an annoying or crazy statement could be considered or described as a senseless, unhelpful, uncalled for or disrespectful remark or remarks made by an individual or passenger who may be upset and/or not thinking logically from a clear headed point of view. And when you’re not thinking logically from a clear-headed perspective due to whatever unforeseen circumstances currently taking place, you tend to say things that don’t help the current situation out or things that could make the current situation worse!

As professional Rideshare drivers, we’re constantly finding ourselves sitting in front of fire. Especially when there’s a disagreement between the Rideshare driver and an angry passenger. When I’m referring to being in the heat of the moment, I’m basically referring to that very moment a problem or heated discussion takes place. Now it doesn’t necessarily have to be a problem or heated discussion for me to consider it being in the heat of a moment. It could be a lovely discussion taking place between the passenger and the driver were both individuals are vibing and sharing positive energies.
That being said, I’ve found over my last almost 37,000 completed rides that moments like these present the greatest chances of a passenger saying something that they normally wouldn’t say or saying something that could be considered “off the wall”, “uncalled for”, “too much”, annoying” or just plain stupid lol. Sometimes it can seem like the more comfortable or uncomfortable a passenger is (especially when having a deep conversation!), the more likely the chances are of them speaking their minds. And whether the passenger has a mind or not never matters or makes a difference!
There’s not really a type of passenger that would be more or less likely to say something ridiculous, annoying or uncalled for to a driver. Let’s get that straight first! All Rideshare passengers pretty much present the same likely hood of them saying something crazy to a Rideshare driver. But if I was to be more specific, I would have to say that it’s the frustrated, angry, pissed off passengers for me! And the majority of the time I had nothing to do with what they were upset or complaining about! Maybe the passenger wasn’t prepared for something prior to entering my vehicle or simply just had a bad day. I don’t know to be honest! But what I do know is how to prepare myself and future professional Uber and Lyft drivers for the most annoying type statements that these silly passengers might say!
I don’t think that making annoying statements or statements that make absolutely no sense is something passengers sit down and strategically plan to do lol. Just my guess.. I think that these ridiculous statements come naturally, especially while the passenger is still in shock or trying to catch up with and process what is actually happening. The passenger is probably still trying to get past the thought of feeling like their driver is trying to wrong them or get over on them, while also trying to comprehend the fact that maybe the driver isn’t trying to get over on them!
This confusing thought process can definitely make any person go nuts, causing them to make nut ball statements. Keep in mind that the passenger still needs to get where they have to go, which all professional Rideshare drivers should understand either way. Just my personal opinion of course. Moments like these are when passengers start to say the most craziest things, which I’ll be making a short list of shortly!
If you were to ask me, I would say that passengers don’t intentionally try to make up crazy annoying statements to say to their Rideshare drivers. Not all of them anyway lol!! I know you’ve heard of that old saying, “hurt people hurt people” right? With that being the case, when a passenger is feeling confused, upset or hurt due to feelings of being mistreated, not getting what they paid for or simply being told the word “no” for example, the only thing left for that individual or passenger to do is to fight back. That’s how I feel, especially when trying to come from an understanding point of view.
Whether that fight is carried out emotionally, verbally or physically doesn’t matter! What else would you expect that angry or frustrated passenger to say, especially when something isn’t going in their favor? The situation does have something to do with something they supposedly paid for right? Even if what the passengers are upset about isn’t something that the passenger exactly paid for. There’s still gonna be a problem because money was involved. Now I know it doesn’t make any sense, but that’s the society we live in!

Adult passengers can sometimes remind me of children. I say that because adults sometimes speak before they think without even giving what they’re about to say any kind of thought. If they did give what they were about to say some type of thought, they wouldn’t have said what was just released from their mouths lol. Now without further ado, let me share some of the absurd remarks passengers have said to me over the years. Even though there are plenty more where this came from, these are currently the most prevalent for me:
14 Examples Of Some Annoying Or Crazy Statements A Passenger Could Say Might Include:
1.) My Last Driver Did It! I feel as though passengers utilize this excuse for being wrong when they have no other excuses to use. Now although I’d like to address this annoying statement with my forthcoming response, maintaining my professionalism remains my utmost concern. That said, I truly wish I could respond to this nonsensical statement by saying, “well I’m not your last driver”, “what does that have to do with me” or “just because your last driver did it doesn’t mean your future drivers will do it too”! However, as I strive to maintain the highest level of professionalism, my response would simply be to state that “as private contractors every Rideshare driver is allowed to do things differently”.
What really makes a passenger think that just because their last Rideshare driver did something that they asked them to do, that their next Uber or Lyft drivers will do the same? It would be something totally different if all Rideshare drivers shared the same brain now wouldn’t it? But since this is far from being the case, a statement like this would definitely be considered a crazy, irrational statement to say to your Rideshare driver. Or at least in my book it would be..
2.) But We Came Here Together! Let me first say that just because you were able to squeeze five passengers into your first Uber drivers four seater vehicle, doesn’t mean that the next driver is going to allow you to try and squeeze five people into their four passenger vehicle. There is a such thing as bringing too many passengers along for a ride. That being said, although I’d like to address this annoying statement with my forthcoming response, maintaining professionalism again will always remain my utmost responsibility. That said, I truly wish I could respond to this nonsensical statement by saying, “well that’s too bad”, “you might not be going home together” or “two wrongs don’t make a right”.
However, as I strive at maintaining my highest level of safety practices and professionalism possible, my response would simply be to state that “for safety purposes we’re only allowed to bring as many passengers as there are seat belts available”. “So if there are four empty seat belts available, then there should only be four passengers filling those seat belts and nothing more”! When heading out, what makes a passenger think that just because they were allowed to stuff more passengers than what should have been allowed into the first Rideshare driver’s vehicle, that they’ll be able to do the same exact thing with their next driver heading back?
I know that your last Rideshare driver may have done what you needed them to do out of the kindness of their heart. But that doesn’t make it right either! That being said, not every Uber or Lyft driver believes in being negligent or breaking the law. Some people actually enjoy being free lol! So I would definitely categorize this remark as being another crazy, rediculous, irrational statement and I’m pretty sure you guys would agree..
3.) You Passed My Turn! Although I’d like to address this annoying statement with my forthcoming response, maintaining a certain level of professionalism again will always remain my utmost responsibility. That said, I truly wish I could respond to this nonsensical statement by saying, “I passed it because that wasn’t the turn” or “we do know each other right”? “So I don’t understand why I didn’t already know to make that right turn”. Or how about “yea, that’s what the GPS also said, even though it didn’t” lol.” But we can’t be unprofessional right? So I guess instead of that being my response, my response would instead be to state that “I apologize and was totally unaware that that was your turn coming up. Not to worry though.. I’ll make a u-turn and head back in the opposite direction as soon as I get a chance to do so”.
Now with all that being said, why do passengers say stupid statements like “you passed my turn already” to Rideshare drivers? Shouldn’t passengers already know to open their mouths prior to the driver passing their turn? Especially when a passenger can already feel the driver not slowing down prior to missing the turn? Or is it that the passenger really just wants to make the Rideshare driver feel bad? Which one is it?
4.) I Didn’t Know That This Was A Shared Ride!
Although I’d like to respond to this annoying statement with a foolish response, maintaining my professionalism again will always remain my utmost responsibility and it should be for other drivers too. That said, I truly wish I could respond to this nonsensical statement by saying, “each option for ordering an Uber ride is identical, all the way down to the pricing” or “that’s because every ride option with Uber or Lyft is the exact same”. But again, as I strive to maintain my highest level of safety and professionalism possible, my response would simply be to state that “when choosing and ordering your Uber or Lyft ride, every option that you see within the app is different.
Some ride options are more fancier and more expensive, while other ride options are either smaller or larger vehicles”. They also have ride options where your driver may show up within either a sooner or later time period. That being said, I can’t seem to wrap my head around passengers thinking that every ride is the same when they order it, especially when each ride is priced differently! I can’t understand why passengers say that they weren’t aware of their ride being a shared ride either! When ordering an Uber ride, the Uber app clearly states that the ride you’re ordering is for one person when choosing the “shared ride” option. But passengers seem so surprised when a driver veers off route to pick up another passenger due to the ride being shared..
5.) Come Have A Drink With Us! While I’d be so tempted to counter this annoying statement with an equally foolish response, my unwavering commitment to professionalism must always take precedence and I again encourage the same for all Rideshare drivers as well. With that said, I do wish I could respond to this nonsensical remark by stating, “sure, I don’t mind being drunk behind the wheel” or “why not, I actually am a better Uber driver when I’m drunk”. But once again, as I strive dearly to maintain my highest level of safety and professionalism possible, my response would simply be to state that “I would love to, but I have a job (that involves driving!) to do” or “I wish, but it would be very dangerous for me to get back in my car and start driving again”.
Seriously? I can’t understand for the life of me why passengers continue to insist on Rideshare drivers coming inside with them to have a drink! A passenger clearly wanted to be safe by calling a Uber or Lyft ride when they’ve been drinking. So why would a passenger naturally assume that an Uber driver wouldn’t be thinking the exact same way? Better yet, why would a passenger think that an Uber driver would want to go from being the designated safe driver, to instantly becoming the drunk person in the backseat? If that were already the case, then your driver would already be in the back seat with you!
6.) I Never Rate Any Lyft Driver Below Five Stars! Sorry guys but I have to start this one off by saying yeah right lol! This one here has to be one of the most annoying statements that passengers have said to me, especially when trying to make me do what they want me to do. Passengers also make statements like this when trying to get on a driver’s good side! But it doesn’t make any sense. On the passengers end of course, but not the drivers lol! Saying a statement as silly as “I never rate anyone below a five star”, is also like an Uber driver agreeing to a late passenger’s request to speed up by the driver responding with, “I always say yes to passengers, no matter what the request is!”
See how foolish that sounds? Now although I’d like to address this foolish passengers statement with my forthcoming response, maintaining my professionalism again will always remain my utmost priority. That said, I truly wish I could respond to this nonsensical statement by saying, “yea, and I never rate any of my passengers below a five star rating” or “no matter how a passenger treats me, they’ll always get a five-star rating from me”. See how ridiculous that sounds? So what really makes a passenger think that giving a Rideshare driver a five-star rating whether they did a good job or not would make any sense?
Better yet, what makes a passenger believe that saying this ridiculous statement would sound believable to any other mature, reasonable adult? Even if what the passenger is saying was true, it still wouldn’t make any sense saying it or taking this approach. It would only make the passenger look even more crazy to give or not give credit where credit is due.
7.) Your Supposed To Already Know Where To Go! This annoying statement is normally spoken from the mouths of unaware passengers after a Rideshare driver has made them fully aware of their GPS not working properly. Or at least that’s what I’ve noticed from all of my years of experience. Now although it would be my absolute pleasure to address this foolish statement with my forthcoming response, maintaining my professionalism again will always remain my utmost responsibility. That said, I truly wish I could respond to this nonsensical statement by saying, “yea I should know, especially since I’ve given you this ride many times before” or “give me a second while I tap into my psychic abilities”! Lord knows I would love to say those ridiculous statements in response.
But since I’m always aiming at maintaining my highest level of professionalism possible, my response would instead be to state again that “my GPS isn’t working or loading properly”. “But if you could provide me with a little instructions, I would be more than happy to follow your lead”. “Or we could drive around and simply wait for my electronic device to catch a better signal”. “But either way it’s up to you”! That being said, what makes a passenger really believe that because we’re Rideshare drivers, we’re supposed to automatically already know off hand how to get them to their drop off destinations? That’s like saying that because a person works at McDonald’s (whether the grill works or not!), they’re supposed to already know or have another way of cooking the food! How would that be possible?
8.) I Always Tip My Drivers! Sorry guys but I have to start this one off as well by saying that this is a bunch of bull crap! This particular annoying statement actually relates to one of my previous ridiculous statements, “I never rate any driver below a five star”. Again, passengers tend to make absurd statements like these when they’re trying to get on a driver’s good side or if they’re trying to make the driver feel bad. But either way there’s always a reason. Especially if the driver has used that special two-letter word “NO” with the passenger for whatever reason. That driver really isn’t getting his or her tip now lol!
But regardless of this fact, Rideshare drivers are supposed to believe that you have passengers out here that tip all drivers regardless of the service they’ve provided? Now how foolish does that also sound? If a passenger really did decide to tip every Rideshare driver whether they did a good job or not, wouldn’t that make the passenger seem a little bit off or like something’s wrong up stairs lol? Well maybe not for you, but for me it would! I mean I did almost crash the car at least 3 times during that short 8 minute trip. But if the passenger still believes that I deserve a tip, then all I have to say in response to that is “thank you for the extra credit” lol!
And to close this ridiculous portion off I would like to finish it by saying that even if you were rich, no one tips all the time because no one is capable of doing a good job all the time! Maybe except the good lord!
9.) They Can Sit On My Lap/Floor! This annoying statement is normally spoken from the mouths of careless passengers after noticing that they may have brought too many passengers along for the ride or more bodies then the seat belts that are available. Or at least that’s what I’ve noticed over the years from all of my experiences. Now although it would be my utmost pleasure to address this foolish statement with what I’m about to say next, maintaining my professionalism again will always remain my utmost responsibility. That said, I truly wish I could respond to this nonsensical statement by saying, “what are seatbelts for” or “yea because your only going up the street”. Lord knows I would love to respond to stupidity with even more stupidity!
But since I’m always aiming to maintain my highest level of professionalism possible, my response would instead simply be to state that “loading more passengers than seat belts available wouldn’t be safe” or that “we’re only allowed to provide rides to certain amounts of passengers at a time”. That said, what makes a passenger really believe that just because your small enough to sit on someone’s lap, that it would also be okay to bring more passengers along for the ride? Whatever response to that question that you may have come up with, I’m going to need you to tell that to the police lol. And I’ll leave it at that!!
10.) But I’m A Grown Ass Man/Women! This annoying statement is normally spoken from the mouths of ignorant or disrespectful passengers after being told by the driver not to do something they shouldn’t have been doing or not to do something they should have known better not to do. Especially while riding in another adults vehicle! So for example, a passenger might decide to open up their alcoholic beverage inside of a Rideshare drivers vehicle thinking that it’s okay to have an open container. A passenger may also decide to open up sandwiches in an Uber drivers car and pass them to their hungry kids. Moments like these are when adult passengers find themselves reminding their drivers of how old they are, like that supposed to make a difference when it comes to respect!
There’s a time and a place for everything. That said, although I’d love to respond to this ridiculous statement with a ridiculous response, maintaining my professionalism again will always remain my utmost responsibility and it should be for you Rideshare drivers too. That said, I truly wish I could respond to this nonsensical statement by saying, “I can see that” or “the older you are, the less likely chance it’ll be for you to make a mess in my car”. But again, as I strive to maintain the highest level of safety and professionalism possible, my response would simply be to state that “I respect and understand that you’re an adult”. “But I’m still going to need you to respect my space by doing what I’m asking you to do”.
That said, what makes a grown but passenger really believe that age has something to do with respect or them mistakenly making a mess in a Lyft drivers car? What type of sense does that make to even bring up how many years you’ve been on this planet when a person is asking you to be respectful? Again, there’s a time and a place for everything right? Just not when it comes to disrespecting someone’s wishes!
11.) I’ll Be In And Out! Now this annoying statement is normally spoken from the mouths of unaware passengers before making a stop that they may have already added to the ride or may have surprisingly made the driver aware of at the last minute! An example of this could be a passenger needing to make a quick stop at a market to grab a few kitchen items or run into a restaurant to order a quick bite to eat. That being said, how in the hell would a passenger know exactly how fast or slow they might be before going into whatever place they’re unknowingly stepping into?
Unless the passenger is psychic or has X-ray vision, there’s no possible way of a passenger knowing how much time they’re going to actually need in order to get whatever that is that they’re trying to get. Even if all they were going in to grab was one item. You don’t know if that particular businesses computer system might be down or if they may be having some sort of other technical issue. You don’t know period! That being said, Lord knows I would love to respond to this ignorant statement by saying “sounds like you’ve been inside the store already” or “I wish I had psychic abilities too” lol!
But once again, since maintaining my highest level of safety and professionalism possible remains my utmost priority, my response would simply be to state that “when you add a stop to a ride, the amount of time needed on that particular stop is for the most part unlimited”. “But it does depend on the Rideshare driver and their time that they may have available to do so”! But to sum this portion up, a passenger would never know if they’ll be in and out when doing something on a stop, unless they’ve already talked to someone or made some sort of pre-arrangements beforehand.
And even with that there’s no guarantee that a passenger will surely be in and out. So please stop making this statement!
12.) I Know You Saw Me! Now here’s another annoying statement that’s normally spoken from the mouths of unaware passengers when a driver drives past them or stops a few feet before or ahead of where there standing. I actually tend to do this as a safety measure when I’m not sure if a person is my pickup or not. Especially since I’m always driving at night! An example of this could be a passenger standing out front as an Uber driver is arriving and the driver passing by the passenger and stopping a few feet ahead or before where they were standing. Cases like these are when I find it the most common that a passenger might make this ridiculous statement. That said, why in the hell would a passenger naturally assume that a Rideshare driver (who’s never known, seen or met them before!) would know that they are the person they’re supposed to be picking up?
As Rideshare drivers, most of the time we’re not provided with real pictures or real names! Especially with Uber! I sometimes go an entire work day without seeing a passengers real picture or real name. Now couple that with it being dark, the passenger not giving off any indicators such as waving their hands or giving off some sort of signal and it being 3:00 am in the morning. It’s not like the passenger has a glow in the dark sign on their head that says, “I’m your pickup” lol. That said, I would love to respond to this annoying statement by stating that “I’m actually legally blind” or “I knew that you were the person I was supposed to be picking up, thanks to my psychic abilities” lol!
But since I’m always aiming at remaining as professional and sincere as possible when dealing with my passengers, my response would simply be to state that “I did notice them standing there” and that “I just wasn’t sure if they were my pick up or not”. That said, I really can’t understand for the life of me how you have adult passengers who really assume that the driver would recognize them from them simply standing or sitting out front of there address? How ridiculous does that sound? There’s so many things that could get in the way of a driver knowing or not knowing for sure if a passenger is their pickup! So why not give your driver a little help.
Saying a word or two or giving a little hand or phone signal is all it would take! So next time your driver stops a few feet before or ahead of where your standing, instead of making this stupid statement to your driver, say to yourself “I know I saw my driver” lol! That would make more sense right?
13.) Be Down In 2 Minutes! Now this unwise comment is normally spoken from the mouths of late passengers who may be running a little behind schedule or late for a ride that they may have ordered a little too soon. But little does the passenger know, that same amount of extra time they’re requesting from the driver will be the same amount of time they’ll be already using when reaching out to the driver. Especially if the driver isn’t answering their phone. So for example, a late passenger should be asking a driver for three extra minutes instead of two minutes considering the first minute being needed for communication purposes!
Now when responding to the annoying statement, “be down in 2 minutes”, Lord knows I would love to say in response, “well you have one minute and 35 seconds left” lol, “I’ve heard that too many times before” or “you can’t say that for sure”. But by now you should know that me being professional with each and every passenger I come in contact with is always my utmost priority! So instead of me making a statement just as ridiculous and annoying as the passengers statement, I would simply let them know that “that would be fine”, “take your time” and/or “I’ll be right here waiting”. Even if I’m not going to be lol!
What makes a passenger really think that it’s okay to order a ride when they’re not ready to leave? Even better, what makes a passenger really believe that a Rideshare driver is going to wait? Especially when a passenger doesn’t have the slightest clue what a Rideshare driver has going on in their personal life? Having any sort of expectations after making your driver aware of your lateness would make absolutely no sense right? Especially when taking your Rideshare drivers personal life into consideration!
14.) Get Them Home Safe Please! There’s nothing like having a silly passenger say this to you at 2:00 am in the morning, as if you’re planning on kidnapping and murdering their Great grandmother. That being said, what makes a passenger really think that saying this stupid statement to a driver would actually make a difference in the driver’s decision to cause harm to their loved one? See how ridiculous this question sounds? But we have real adults out there that make stupid statements like these on a daily basis!

What To Say Or Do When Nothing Else Can Be Said Or Done With An Annoying Passenger?
When nothing else can be said or done, especially when it pertains to a passenger talking crazy, asking senseless questions or making annoying statements, I’ve learned over the years to simply keep my mouth shut. But of course this can sometimes be easier said than done lol. You ever heard of the old saying, “silence is golden”. Well I’m pretty sure you have, especially if you’ve been to the movie theaters before. So if you are good at keeping quiet in a movie theater, take that same effort and apply it to your silly passengers.
And if you weren’t good at keeping quiet in a movie theater, then the chances are you won’t be good at keeping quiet as a Rideshare driver. But it still wouldn’t hurt to try! Save yourself from a future headache. Not everything that a passenger says deserves a physical or verbal response, unless you enjoy the feeling of being annoyed!

My Professional Conclusion:
Now in conclusion of this short review, I would like to say that as human beings we sometimes find ourselves in situations where we would be more or less careless or likely to say what’s on our minds. Especially when there’s feelings involved! But through practicing self-awareness, we can practice consciously saying to others what we would want said to ourselves. Now when it boils down to the annoying remarks that passengers sometimes say, I don’t believe that passengers intentionally want to say things to us that don’t make any sense. From my experience, I think that when passengers are caught off guard or when they’re simply not expecting something is when they’re most likely going to say some off the wall stuff to a Rideshare driver.
Next, I would like to say to my Rideshare drivers to always make sure you’re doing what you’re supposed to do when it comes to driving and try not to take things too personal when a passenger says something that may be considered by most folks to be ridiculous or outright stupid! Even though what the passenger might have said didn’t make any sense, it does make plenty of sense on why the passenger might be saying what they’re saying. At the end of the day, everyone’s just trying to get where they have to go and that’s it. That’s something that I want both Rideshare drivers and passengers to remember!
Now that we’re getting close to the end of another review, I would now like to hear what you guys have on your minds concerning the silly statements that passengers say to Rideshare drivers? Are there any Rideshare drivers who have some silly statements from previous passengers that they would like to share? Do you disagree with something that I may have said or some advice that I may have given? Well whether you do or don’t, I would love to hear it! Please feel free to leave your thoughts, stories, comments and concerns at the bottom of this review and I will be sure to respond back to you promptly!
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