This review will be about me receiving my Lyft jacket (6 plus years ago!) as a Rideshare driver after completing my first 1,000 rides and how I really feel about it! We all have jobs right? With these jobs comes the lazy employees, the hard-working employees and the employees who are always calling out lol. That being said, the same thing applies to rideshare drivers. Only we’re considered private contractors instead of employees. That being said, you have the part-time drivers or contractors who make every excuse why they can’t drive that day or week. You have part-time drivers that barely complete 30 rides a week. Then you have other drivers that literally go the extra mile by completing 150 plus rides a week. Now that would be me, your Rideshare Doctor lol!!
Not only that, but you also have drivers who don’t really care about their passengers or their job for that matter. The driver and their vehicle consistently appear to be dirty, they show up late for the majority of their pickups, and they could give a damn about where their passengers are going. All these particular types of drivers care about is the money. Oh and also not getting a ride that’s taking them to another state lol. But on the flip side, you have professional drivers like myself who genuinely prioritize their job. We maintain personal hygiene, keep our vehicles clean and pay attention to every detail of the passenger’s experience including the road and overall service quality.
So if and when this is the absolute case, shouldn’t these types of drivers receive some type of reward or recognition? I don’t mean a once in a lifetime type of reward either. What I mean is that every time you reach a certain milestone, dollar amount or time period you get rewarded. All hard work deserves some type of recognition right? No sin should go unpunished and no deed should go unrewarded right? My point exactly. Now we just have to make these rideshare companies like Uber, Lyft, Via, and Sidecar see it from our point of view and actually do something about it!
Here at #1RideShareDoc, I’m all about sharing my story, personal experiences and knowledge with you concerning the Rideshare industry. I want everyone including drivers, passengers and the public to be aware of what goes down in this crazy industry of driving. I want everyone to be aware of the goods, the bads, the highs and the lows. I want to give drivers and passengers a platform where they can relate with one another on any and every issue that could possibly exist! I want to discuss the things that Uber, Lyft, Via and Sidecar aren’t talking about. Let me help prepare you for what’s ahead of you and more importantly behind you! Let’s begin..
This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:
What Is A Lyft Jacket?
Are The Lyft Jackets Nice?
Do Lyft Drivers Get More Than One Lyft Jacket And Why?
Why Is Rewarding Hard Work So Important?
What Other Methods Can Be Used To Reward Lyft Drivers In Relation To These Lyft Jackets?
My Professional Conclusion Concerning The Lyft Jacket!

What Is A Lyft Jacket?
Note: As of March 31, 2020, Lyft has discontinued they’re Lyft jackets..
A Lyft jacket (when it was available!) was nothing more than a hoodie-less jacket, given to professional drivers after they’ve completed their first 1,000 rides! It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to get these rides or what your rating might be after reaching this amount of completed rides. The jacket is tagged (within the collar!) with the term “1K Driver”, as well as the right upper part of the driver’s sleeve. The jacket also has two pockets equipped with 100% non-wear and tear zippers lol, meant to hold all of your wonderful Lyft materials. It’s also washing machine friendly, making this the ultimate work jacket lol.. as long as you stick to cold water! Don’t ask me how I know lol.

Are The Lyft Jackets Nice?
The Lyft jackets were actually not too bad when they were available, if you were to ask me! The zippers on the pockets also come in handy, securely holding whatever items you place inside them. The color of the jacket has a slick bad boy look to it too, in case you were looking to impress someone lol. Now even though all of this may be nice, I wouldn’t depend on this jacket or it’s looks to keep me warm in the winter time. There’s no type of thickness to the Lyft jacket and no type of cotton inside to actually keep you from freezing to death or getting cold.
You can tell when you first put this jacket on that it’s meant for you to drive with and not to catch the bus or stand outside! But overall they’re okay. It passed my Rideshare Doctor exam with a score of about 75%. Maybe 80% tops!

Do Lyft Drivers Get More Than One Lyft Jacket And Why?
Now the next question is did Lyft drivers get more than one jacket when they were available? The simple answer to this question is absolutely NO and I’ll give you my personal reason why I feel Rideshare companies made this evil, disloyal, non-appreciative decision! As a matter of fact, I could sum the reason that I have in my mind up now by using one word… BUDGET. Or better yet, CHEAP! That being said, no matter how much blood these vampire rideshare companies suck from their hard working drivers, they’ll always feel the need to suck more as time goes on. No amount of money is enough money, especially when you already have a lot of money. They set new money goals every month and try their best to meet them by any means necessary.
This is the reason why I feel as though they’ll never pay they’re hard working drivers more money. Taking care of themselves and their Rideshare company is their real goal. So instead of the company planning and budgeting to treat their driver’s better, they’re using those good old billion dollar incomes (per year) to satisfy none other than themselves. Oh, and adding a bunch of useless new updates, bells and whistles to the Lyft app, every other week/month. Now on the other hand, they will sell you another jacket for about $40 bucks, if you really want another one! But they won’t give you another jacket simply because you earned it! So selfish right?

Why Is Rewarding Hard Work So Important?
Giving praise where praise is due is extremely important and vital for any and all partnerships. That is, if you ask me! When you reward someone for a job well done, what does that type of gesture cause your average person to do, you ask? It causes them to want to do more is what it does. The same thing goes vice versa. When you’re not rewarding people for their hard work or for a job well done, it makes them want to do less or no work at all. The person might even start to call out for some of the most stupidest reasons! But you get my point.

What Other Methods Can Be Used To Reward Lyft Drivers In Relation To These Lyft Jackets?
I have to say that there’s another way Lyft could go about rewarding their hard-working, full-time Rideshare drivers when it pertains to receiving a Lyft jacket. What I am about to say is what I feel all or the majority of Rideshare drivers might agree on! This idea has been on my mind since I received my black “1K Lyft jacket” back in 2017. That being said, instead of a hardworking Rideshare driver receiving one Lyft jacket after completing their first 1,000 rides, they also should receive more jackets as they complete thousands and thousands of more rides. It’ll give your driver something else to aim for you know? But let me elaborate on this idea..
After the driver completes their first 1,000 rides and receives their first black “1K Lyft jacket”, the next level or goal for the driver to reach would be the 5,000 rides mark. Once the driver reaches their 5,000 completed rides mark, the driver would then receive a red “5K Lyft jacket”. After receiving their red “5K Lyft jacket”, the next level or goal for the driver to reach would be the 10,000 completed rides mark. When the driver completes 10,000 rides, the driver would them receive the blue “10K lyft jacket”!
Then after receiving the blue “10K lyft jacket”, the next level for the driver to reach would be the 20,000 completed rides mark. When the driver reaches the 20,000 rides mark, the driver would then receive the green “20K lyft jacket”! Once the Rideshare drivers obtained the green “20K Lyft jacket”, they then would receive a “K Lyft jacket” for every 10,000 rides completed after 20,000. Every jacket would be a different design and a different color (if the driver selects this option!). That’s my own personal idea of how hard-working Rideshare drivers should be rewarded when pertaining to these Lyft jackets!

My Professional Conclusion Concerning The Lyft Jacket
So in conclusion I would like to say that I really appreciate Lyft for giving me the “1K lyft jacket” back in the beginning of 2017. Some recognition is better than no recognition right? Not to mention the fact that no other Rideshare companies were giving their driver’s jackets at the time. So I guess we should feel special then right lol? It’s not like these “1k Lyft jackets” are the only way that Lyft goes about rewarding us full-time drivers! They actually do have bonuses and incentives just like Uber, Via, and Sidecar. They’re just lacking in having a real way of showing the long time hard-working Rideshare drivers their appreciation!
Me writing this article might provide valuable insights and ideas for rewarding all the dedicated, five-star, full-time drivers at Lyft. I really don’t know! Only time will tell right? Somebody has to stand for something or else we’ll all continue to fall for anything, including these jackets lol! That being said, maybe no one’s ever come forward and made a complaint concerning these “1K Lyft jackets” or about not receiving more than one. If no one has complained or said anything yet, I would be more than happy to say now that here’s where the complaints start!
Now that I’m bringing this with you to a close, you know I want to know what’s on you guys minds! Do you agree with my opinions on the “1K lyft jacket”? Do you think that one jacket was enough and that I’m asking for too much? Do you have something you would like to add or a point you would like to make concerning these “1K Lyft jackets”? If you do have anything on your mind you would like to say, then please feel free to use the comment section below for those thoughts! I will be sure to respond back to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for reading my post and as always drive safe out there!
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If you’re not interested in driving random strangers around in the backseat of your vehicle but interested in having a flexible lifestyle, you could always start a business working from home! If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to read my review on Wealthy Affiliate. Thank you again for reading..