With this short review, I plan on uncovering the top 10 most stupidest questions passengers ask their Rideshare drivers on any given day on the road!! They say that when you have a question and/or you need to know something, you’re supposed to ask it right? They also say that it doesn’t matter how smart or dumb the question is, whoever “they” is supposed to be lol.. But I would beg to differ and you might agree with me after reading this short review! Wouldn’t you like to be prepared to respond or not respond to the stupid questions that Rideshare passengers say out their mouths? Especially if you’re planning on becoming a Rideshare driver?
Oh, and especially if those questions were really ridiculous or were already answered? Yea I thought you would agree. I’ve learned from experience that when you know and understand what ridiculous questions a passenger might ask a Rideshare driver, you’ll also already know what needs to be said in response.And who really likes wasting their breath or in other words repeating themselves? You’re supposed to repeat yourself to children and not to grown butt adults which makes being asked these stupid questions by unaware passengers even more frustrating..
Here at #1RideShareDoc, I’m all about sharing my personal story and on the road stories with you guys, especially when it pertains to the Rideshare driving industry. Passengers get lazy or nonchalant with drivers all the time and ask stupid questions that some drivers may not always know how to respond to. So hopefully this review will help prepare some drivers by helping to lower their expectations. Let’s relate about the things that these Rideshare companies aren’t talking about. Rideshare companies like Uber, Lyft, Via and Sidecar just to name a few. Let’s be each other’s support systems by sharing our personal experiences with one another! Let’s discuss the things that some drivers and passengers sometimes feel uncomfortable talking about. Are you ready? Let’s begin..
This review will be divided into the following sections, for better absorption and clearer understanding purposes:
What Do I Consider To Be A Stupid Question?
Being In The Heat Of The Moment!
What Passenger Would Be More Likely To ask They’re Rideshare Driver A Crazy Question?
When Might A Passenger Ask Their Rideshare Driver A Stupid or Crazy Question?
Why Do Passengers Ask Rideshare Drivers Stupid Questions That They May Already Know The Answer To?
Top 10 Stupid Questions Passengers Ask Rideshare Drivers!
What If A Rideshare Driver Doesn’t Know How To Respond To A Question?
My Professional Conclusion

What Do I Consider To Be A Stupid Or Crazy Question?
If you were to ask your Rideshare Doc, I would have to say that a stupid, foolish, bizarre or crazy question would be considered or described in my book as a careless, unintelligent remark or inquiry made by an individual who may have already been provided with those specific answers. Asking the same question two or three times could also be another way of looking at a question as becoming stupid or crazy. Or at least in my book it would be! So if you already have the answers to your questions (all within your electronic device!), why in the hell would you be asking your Rideshare driver to repeat back to you this information? Do you see where I’m coming from with this now?

Drivers Being In The Heat Of The Moment!
As professional Rideshare drivers, there are too many situations and moments of the day where we’ll naturally find ourselves being in the heat of the moment! When I say “the heat of the moment”, I’m referring to the times where things might get a little tense due to a passenger having or not having something they’re supposed to have, asking or not asking something they were supposed to ask, doing or not doing something they were supposed to do or saying or not saying something they were supposed to say. Moments like these are when passengers ask the most darndest questions.
Moments like these I would consider to be “the heat of the moment”. Passengers ask all kinds of relevant and irrelevant questions at any given time, which is when knowing these stupid questions that passengers might ask and a Rideshare drivers professional responses comes into play!

To be totally honest with you guys, any and every passenger in my opinion would present almost the same likely hood of asking the same crazy or down right off the wall question as a crazy person who’s fresh out of a mental institution! Oh, and when you have an angry, drunk and/or high passenger that you may have pissed off for whatever reason, the chances of a crazy question being asked becomes even greater! That’s because that same angry, pissed off passenger would be the same passenger who would more than likely not only ask you a really stupid, idiotic question that they may already know or have already gotten the answer to, but they would also be the same passenger who would provide you with a really stupid, idiotic or illogical response. So drivers please don’t waste your breath!

From my experience, I’ve found that passengers tend to ask the most unnecessary or rediculous, redundant questions when they’re also in the heat of the moment. A forgetful moment actually! So for example, a passenger could already know that they have to add all stops to the Rideshare app when needing to make a stop. But because they remembered at the last minute needing some bread and milk from the market or corner store, this silly question comes up out of the blue. This silly question would go something like, “Yea is it okay if we stopped at the store”? “Uber or Lyft wouldn’t mind right”?
Yea right! That being said, from this example you can clearly see that when passengers forget things (including household items!) they tend to have questions for the Rideshare driver, all in hopes of that particular driver being able to accommodate their forgetfulness!

If you were to ask your Rideshare Doc why a passenger may ask a Rideshare driver a stupid question that they may already know or have the answer to, I would have to say in response that I really don’t know lol. But I could take a wild guess why! Maybe a passenger might ask an off the wall question because the passenger might feel as though it doesn’t hurt to ask when it comes to needing or wanting something done. I mean it is just a question right? It’s not like the driver has to respond to it either! And if the driver did decide to respond, the driver could always simply say no! That being said, knowing why a passenger might ask a driver a stupid question shouldn’t even be what matters. What should matter is how you (the Rideshare driver!) decides to respond to the question.

They say that children ask the craziest questions right? Well in this case, they’re seriously not the only ones lol! As a matter of fact, passengers can sometimes be worse than children. More so because adults are “supposed” to know better! Now without further ado, I would like to present you guys with a few crazy questions that passengers sometimes ask Rideshare drivers. Now even though there are plenty more questions that could have been added to this list, I feel as though these are the most popular ones as of right now:
1.) Are You The Uber Driver/My Driver?: Now even though I would love to respond to this idiotic question by responding with what I’m about to say next, staying professional is always my top priority! That being said, Lord knows I would love to say in response to this silly question, “No I’m not your Uber driver”. “We just both happen to somehow have the same matching information” lol. But since I’m always trying to remain as professional as possible, instead my response would be to simply say “yes, I am your Uber or Lyft driver”! That said , what really makes a passenger think that even though I’ve stopped directly in front of their pick up location and all of my credentials match their credentials that I’m not their Uber driver? Do you understand now why I would consider this question to be crazy? I knew you would understand..
2.) What’s Your Name/Say Your Name?: Being asked this crazy question can sometimes be quite irritating. Especially when being asked the following question, which is even more ridiculous! Now even though I would love to respond to this silly question by responding with what I’m about to say next, staying professional again is always my top priority! That being said, Lord knows I would love to say in response to this silly question, “yeah my name is boo boo the fool”. “And what might your name be”? But again, since I’m always trying to remain as professional as possible, instead my response would be to simply provide the passenger with my name and wait for them to provide me with theirs.
Now the reason why I said that being asked this question can sometimes be quite irritating or ridiculous is because I really dislike when someone asks a question they already know the answer to. Asking this question is like asking what color is the sky in my opinion, what race am I or what year is it? But that’s not the worst part of it. The worst part of it all is that the majority of passengers who ask this question tend to ask this question when they’re already in the driver’s vehicle which also doesn’t make any sense! Checking the driver’s information when you’re already in the driver’s vehicle literally spells out the term, “carelessness”. Moreso because if the passenger has gotten into the wrong vehicle and that driver happened to be a murderer, the only place that passenger is going to is to a nearby hospital, morgue or cemetery!
3.) What’s My Name/Say My Name?: When a passenger decides to ask this really stupid question, I feel as though this one is more ridiculous then the last! Why would a grown butt adult ever expect for another grown butt adult to tell them what their name is? That being said, even though I would love to respond to this silly question by responding with what I’m about to say next, I must remind you again that staying professional and on my “A” game is always my top priority! That being said, Lord knows I would love to say in response to this silly question, “well we’ve just met actually”. “But if you tell me your name, I can check my app and show you what I see if it matches”!
But since I am always trying to remain respectful and professional as possible, instead my response would be to simply say their name and immediately ask them what my name is! How selfish would it be for the Rideshare driver to provide the passenger with their name and not have the passenger provide the Rideshare driver with their name in return? I find it to be a lot easier telling a grown adult their name when I take this approach. It wouldn’t be fair if only one side of the equation has verified information without the other side also having verified information right?
4.) You Know Where I’m Going Right?: Now this question here could be considered silly depending on the circumstances. See if the Rideshare drivers GPS isn’t working properly for whatever reason, I could fully understand a passenger speaking on their driver knowing where to go or not. But if the drivers map is working just fine (which the passenger can see from the back seat!) and they happen to ask this silly question, you should know by now that I would love to respond back to this silly question by saying something silly. Something silly like “well I actually don’t know personally” or “I actually was able to arrive to your pickup location by tapping into my ghetto negro psychic abilities” lol. “So I’ll be using the same techniques to get you where you have to go”!
Yea I wish I could say something silly like that! But again, since I’m always trying to remain as professional and courteous to passengers as possible, instead my response would be to simply say “yes, I do have the directions thanks to my well-functioning GPS” and start the ride lol. I might even ask if they had a different address in mind or different directions that they would like for me to follow just in case that was the purpose for them asking me that crazy question. But that would be about it! Having said that, unless it’s a passengers first time using Rideshare services, you should already know that your driver has directions to where you’re going. If you’re trying to figure out whether or not your Rideshare driver has directions by the time you’re in the vehicle, you’re just asking to not make it where you’re trying to go in a timely fashion!
5.) Are We Here Now?: Being asked this crazy question by a passenger can sometimes also be a little irritating. Especially when I’ve been stopped for a while after driving for so many miles! Now even though I would love to respond to this silly question by responding with what I’m about to say next, again staying professional is always my top priority and it should be yours too! That being said, Lord knows I would love to say in response to this silly question, “no we’re not there yet”! ” I just so happen to run out of gas and had no choice but to stop here, sit still and wait for help to arrive” lol! “All without telling you anything”!
Yea right.. I wish I could say something like that! But again, since I’m always trying to remain as professional and courteous as possible, instead my response would be to simply say “yes we are” or “yes, unless you had another destination in mind”. That said, what makes a passenger really think that after a driver has driven for so many miles and stopped for longer than 10 seconds that it may not be the end of the ride? I don’t understand it lol. The only way I would be able to understand it, is if it’s the passengers first time visiting that particular location, which 9 times out of 10 won’t be the case!
6.) Is This All You Do?: Now I’m pretty sure this question here would be considered by most Rideshare drivers to be very stupid, irrelevant and/or simply uncalled for. Especially if you didn’t come to work to have a conversation! That being said, if you’re driving for Uber or Lyft to not only make a dollar, but to also form new connections or relationships, then you might find this irrelevant question relevant. But if you’re only driving for Uber or Lyft to make a dollar or to make ends meet and you’re not looking to make friends or converse back and forth at all, asking this could make the driver feel a little uncomfortable.
That being said, the only thing that that particular passenger who asked this particular question should be worried about, is what that particular Rideshare driver is doing now. You know, driving you safely from point A to point B lol. So to answer this question professionally, the answer to this question should obviously be yes! Nothing more and nothing less..
7.) Can We Drink Alcohol In Your Car?: Now again, even though I would love to respond to this silly question by responding with what I’m about to say next, I always try to keep in mind that staying professional should always be my top priority! That being said, Lord knows I would love to say in response to this silly question, “sure, you can have as many open bottle containers in my car as you would like lol” or “what happens in my car, stays in my car”. But again, since I am always trying to remain as professional as possible, instead my response would be to simply say “no, it’s actually against the law”!
That said, what really makes a passenger think that even though it’s against the law to have open containers in any drivers vehicle, that it would be okay now for whatever reason? Keep in mind that these are adult passengers I’m talking about here. It’s a shame that even though we’re just Rideshare drivers trying to do our jobs and make it home safe, we also have to enforce what people (especially adults!) should already know.. you know, like following the law! I guess that’s why they built jails right?
8.) Can You Drive Faster?: Now once again, even though I would absolutely love to respond to this ridiculous, dangerous question by responding with what I’m about to say next, I always try my best to keep in mind that staying professional should always be my top priority! That being said, Lord knows I would love to say in response to this outrageous question, “sure, how fast would you like me to go”, “I thought you’d never ask” or “sure, I actually drive a lot safer when I’m speeding”. Yea I wish! But once again, since I’m always trying to remain as professional and safe as possible when passengers are riding inside my vehicle, instead of saying that my response would be to simply say “no it’s actually against the law”.
“But I can try to keep my vehicles speed at least at 10 miles (at the most!) above the posted speed limit if that’s ok with you”? Going 10 miles above the speed limit is actually legal in the DMV area where I currently reside. Check the speed limit laws in your state to see what’s allowed and what’s not before deciding to speed for a late passenger. Passengers have some nerve thinking that Rideshare drivers can drive whatever speed we’d like just because they paid for a ride and because they said so? Like my older brother would say, “yea aight” lol!
9.) Can We Make A Quick Stop?: Being asked this crazy question by an unaware, needy passenger can sometimes be quite irritating as well. That being said, passengers really believe that all because the stop that they want to make (which was not previously added to the trip) is going to be quick or all because the stop is on the same route, makes it okay to do so. But they’re wrong! Whether the stop is long or short doesn’t matter. What matters is that all stops be added to the Uber or Lyft app either before or during the ride. But since passengers still insist on asking these types of questions, you should know by now that I would love to respond by saying something silly.
Something silly like, “WHAT STOP? (in my Debo voice lol!)”, “is this where you wanted me to end the ride?” or “sorry, I don’t see the stop on my Lyft or Uber app”.. But of course that wouldn’t be professional. So again, since I’m always trying to remain as professional and courteous to my passengers as possible, instead my response would be to simply say “no” or “sure, just be sure to add the stop to the ride and we’ll be on our way”! I mean what really makes a passenger believe that all because they told the driver to make a stop, that the driver is supposed to just comply and do exactly as they’re told?
There are rules within the Rideshare industry which were put in place not just for the passengers safety, but for the Rideshare drivers safety as well! So yea, add those stops so that Uber and Lyft can know not only what the driver is doing, but where we’re the driver is going as well..
10.) You know you missed your turn right?: This question here would be another crazy, irritating question that gets under my skin when passengers ask it. Now once again for the last and final time, even though I would absolutely love to respond to this ridiculous question by responding with what I’m about to say next, I always try my best with everything in me to stay professional which is always my top priority! That being said, Lord knows I would love to say in response to this insane question, “sure I know”. “I was just driving where I wanted to drive without any regards to what directions the GPS is actually showing me”. “I would just love to take you on a longer route than what was actually intended”. Again, I wish I could say something unprofessional like that sometimes!
But again, since I’m always trying to remain as truly professional and courteous to my passengers as possible, instead my response would be to simply say “I’m sorry I didn’t know” or “this silly G.P.S gave me the direction to do so”. “But if you happen to have a better route for us to take, then I would be more than happy to take that route instead”? That being said, what makes a passenger really think that as we strive to be professional Rideshare drivers that we intentionally try to miss turns or moments where we were supposed to continue straight? Even though it’s no drivers intention to make a passenger upset, I’ll say now on behalf of all Rideshare drivers that we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that our bad driving has caused you.

If there’s ever a time when a Rideshare driver finds themselves unable to answer a particular question that a passenger may have had, a Rideshare driver could always instead take one or more of the following approachs:
1.) You Could Give A Response: If you’re a people’s person and you really feel like answering the passengers questions, then give the passenger a response! Just remember that regardless of the response you give them, they’ll be holding you liable. So make sure you only tell the passenger what you know or what you can do and not what you think!
2.) You Don’t Have To Give A Response: If you’re not a people’s person and you don’t really feel like talking, then simply ignore the passenger or provide them with a one-word response. You know that good’ole two letter word I’m talking about responding with right? It actually rhymes with “so” lol!
3.) Tell Them To Reach Out To Uber/Lyft Support: If you don’t feel like responding to a silly question that a passenger may have for you but you’re also not trying to be disrespectful, then politely tell your passengers to reach out to Uber or Lyft support teams for more information concerning what they want to know or what they’re trying to do. Even if you did feel like conversing back and forth with your passenger, I still would feel like this would be the best route to take. Play it safe guys is all I’m saying!

My Professional Conclusion:
Now in conclusion of this review, I would like to say that as people we tend to say any and everything that comes to our minds. Especially when triggered by circumstances and events that could be considered either really good or really bad. This isn’t something happening only within the Rideshare industry either. It’s just human nature! That being said, I don’t think it’s any passengers intentions to ask a question that they already know the answer to. I do believe that certain moments make us become instantly forgetful, especially moments where we’re meeting and greeting people that we’ve just met. Just my personal analysis guys!
And in all honesty guys, there’s never such a thing as a really dumb or stupid question. I know I said in the beginning of this review that I would beg to differ. But I was for the most part joking! If you don’t know something or if it’s something that you would like to know, then ask. The only stupid question really is the one that wasn’t asked. Well, at least besides the questions that were already answered lol. I’d be damned if I throw away everything that I’ve just written within this short review lol!
Now that we’re getting close to the end of another well-written review, I would now like to hear what you guys have on your minds concerning the silly questions that passengers ask Rideshare drivers? Are there any Rideshare drivers who have some silly questions from previous passengers that they would like to share? Do you disagree with something that I may have said or some advice that I may have mentioned? Well whether you do or don’t, I would love to hear what’s on your minds! Please feel free to leave your thoughts, stories, comments and concerns at the bottom of this review and I will be sure to respond back to you promptly!
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